28: Answers

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28: Answers

The girls left and it's about 5:00 o'clock. We watched a movie and ordered some food. It was just a good ole time. Matiah on the other hand hasn't showed up. She was suppose to be here about 30 minutes ago. If she isn't willing to show up then she should've said so.

I got up off the couch and toke up the remaining food boxes. I haven't spoken to Troy since he left. I really miss him.

I sat the food boxes into the refrigerator.

I heard a knock on the door. I closed the refrigerator door. I got to the door and opened it to see Matiah standing in the middle of the hall.

"Sorry. I got off work and I had to change."said Matiah.

"Come in." I held the door and stepped aside. "Feel free to get comfortable. Do you want something to drink?" I asked as she walked in.

"I'll take a water."

I walked over to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water. I sat on one of the chairs at the dining table. She looked at me like she didn't know what to do. I'm sure this wasn't the first time she's been to someone's house.

"Sit." She scurried to the chair across from me. I slid the bottle across to her. "I don't don't bite. I already told you I wasn't going to put my hands on you."

"I know but this is bit sketchy. That the women whose husband I slept with invites me over to her house? For all I know you could be plotting my death."

I raised my eyebrow. "Ex-husband. I called you over here for answers to questions that you know answers to. I called you over to sort things out. I don't want any tension between us. I just want to move on with my life and I'm sure that's what you want too." As I said that I noticed she loosened up a bit.

"What do you want to know?" She started opening her bottle of water.

"I want to know everything. Why would you sleep with Charles than smile in my face? We would go to church and greet each other. You would compliment me and tell me how great I looked. What was that for?"

She tensed up immediately. She looked clueless so I continued.

"Did you feel like you were above me? Was it the pride of having another females man wrapped around your finger? I would love to know."

I leaned back on my chair.

"Just a little tip. I want nothing but honestly." She raised he eyebrow.

"I didn't do it as a spiteful thing like 'oh I'm sleeping with your husband and you don't even know it.' It wasn't like that. I have respect."

If that's what you call respect. Than the world is done for.

"That's what you call respect. Sleeping with married men. That's so respectful."

She looked to the side.

"Let me ask you this. How long did you think this would go on for? Did you really think you wouldn't get caught? Did you think he would leave me for you?"

She gave me an annoyed look.

"Answer me the question. Did you think he would leave me for you? It's a simple yes or no question."

"We were moving with the flow. We never thought we would've got caught up. We never expected it to turn into what it did. We agreed to have causal sex and that was all. I was the one to catch feelings. I did want him to leave you. I wanted him to be with me but Charles didn't want an "us." The day I came to you was the day he basically ended what we had started. I was the booty call that he knew would pick up."

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