22: Interview

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22: Interview

Troy and I have been on the road to getting to know each other. We may talk daily but don't know each as individuals.

I don't even know how old he is or where he's from. Our deal to make our relationship get to something of more importance was to get to know each other.

I'm currently getting ready for the interview that Troy had set up. He called me just to wish me good luck. I haven't even told Lauren and Mia about it.

"Everything will work out. You'll do well."

I exhaled and began to fix my hair. I decided to put my hair in a high bun. I did my makeup which was pretty natural. I truly looked like a lawyer just like I once was.

I was wearing a white button down with a plain black skirt which cut off above my knees. I was pretty confident in the way I looked. I wanted to make a good first impression.

I heard my alarm buzz off. I guess it's time to head out.

"Lord. Please guide me. Amen." I silently prayed.

I grabbed my phone off the bed and grabbed my purse. I walked down the stairs and quickly dragged on my black pumps. I grabbed my keys of the hook and opened the front door. I locked the front door and soon after jumped into my car.


I'm five minutes early for my interview. I walked into the building and made my way to the front desk. The building was well furnished.

"How may I help you?"the reception kindly asked.

"I'm here to speak with Mr. Thompson. My interview is set up for 2:15pm."



She opened a book and started scanning the book. She then picked up the phone and started pushing in numbers.

"Mr. Thompson. Yes sir. That's why I'm calling. She's is here and on time. Thank you sir."

She then placed her hand on the receiver.

"Take the elevator to the fifth floor. Make a left turn and the door at the end of the hall is Mr.Thompson's."

"Thank you very much!"

I rushed off towards the elevators. One opened as soon as I got there. I stepped right in and pushed the fifth button. The music in the elevator was very peaceful.

"I can do this. Just do your best."

I turned left and walked straight down the hall. There was a door all the way at the end. Once I reached the door I knocked.

"Come in."The voice sounded very familiar.

I clutched the doorknob and opened the door. I stood in front of Troy and my jaw just hang opened. I was shocked and I couldn't even think at this point.

"What are you doing here? Where is Mr.Thompson?"

"My name is Troy Thompson."He smiled at me.

"Is this some joke? Now where is Mr.Thompson?"

Troy just glared at me. "I can't do this."

I was about to walk out but then I felt him grab my wrist.

"Can't do what?"

"You told me your last name was Parker. You can't....give me a job. I want to go through the process just like everyone else. I certainly don't want it to be handed to me."

"Don't you want a job?"he asked.

"I want a job that I rightfully earned. I went to law school for about 8 years and I didn't go through all of that stress. To just get it handed to me. I put my career on hold. I believe I'm a perfect candidate for this job. I want to justice to be served but not like this. This isn't fair."

I heard clapping behind me and I turned around. I wasn't aware of the man standing behind me.

"If I may ask? Who are you?"I asked.

"Troy?"the man said.

I looked in Troy's direction.

"That's Mr. Thompson"

"Troy is an old friend of mine but I wouldn't just hire someone because Troy recommended them. It all depends what field of law you would like to be in."said Mr. Thompson.

"I'll be in the lobby. We need to catch up one of these days."said Troy.

"We most definitely will."responded Mr. Thompson.

"Very well."said Troy.

Troy walked out the room and Mr.Thompson toke a seat behind his desk. He pointed at the chair and I quickly toke a seat.

"Just for the record. This little prank was him."

"Trust me. I know!"

"What did you major in?"

"Criminal Justice and Homicides."

"So you would take cases similar to Trayvon Martin's case?"

"Yes sir."

"I see and would you be willing to take cases that aren't connected to criminals and murders?"

"Most definitely. Before I toke a break off I was helping people with all sorts of problems."

"You start on Monday. Your office will be set up on the third floor and I'll get Stacy to escort you there. You have to be clocked in at 9am and no excuses. "

"I'm getting the job?! Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome. You can call me Matthew by the way. Troy has mentioned that you are experienced in law. It was nice meeting you but I have a meeting to attend to. I wish I could've had spent more time talking but sadly that won't be possible."

"We will soon be fully acquainted."

I got up and shook his hand. I made my way to the door. Mr.Thompson opened it for me. I thanked him and walked out the door.

I heard the door close behind me and when I got downstairs I spotted Troy. I made my way to him and told him the good news. He gave me a big hug and gave me a kiss on the check.

I said good bye to the receptionist and she responded with a smile. I'm sure she knew about Troy and Matthew's little prank.

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

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