17: Deep Thoughts?

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17: I..Sorta..Like Him?

"I've been feeling him."

"Who?"asked Lauren.

"Troy. Lauren! Troy."yelled Mia.

"Mia! I told you to let me tell her!"

"I'm sorry! She wasn't catching on fast enough."

"Troy? How come I'm just finding out about this? How did she find out before me."asked Lauren looking a little pissed.

"I wanted to tell you at first but I wasn't sure about how I felt. Mia knew him so I asked her for advice. I was suppose to tell you not Mia."

Mia mouth the word "sorry."

"Whatever. I couldn't be mad at you anyways. When did this all happen!?"

"From the time I met him in the parking lot. Cliche. I know but there is something about him. We went on a date last night and it was really...nice."

"Tell me more."asked Mia.

"He's different. He isn't like Charles at all....his persona is different."

He creates butterflies in my stomach and he makes my heart beat faster. It sounds like something a teenager would say but it's true. He's been real with me since I've met him.

"Earth to Teya!"yelled Lauren.

"Wanna share?"asked Mia.

"I was just thinking..."

"So where do you think the relationship will go?"asked Mia.

"I really don't know. I don't want to rush into things."

Then my cell-phone began to ring.

"It's him!"

"Answer it!"yelled Lauren.

"Ok. Breathe."

Deep breathes...exhale...inhale.

"Answer the phone."yelled Mia.

I quickly clicked answer.

"Heeeeey Troy."

"Natural T."whispered Lauren.

"I was wondering if you would want to see a movie tonight over my house. No funny business just a movie."

Mia and Lauren both were beside me overhearing the conversation. Lauren nodded her head.

"I would love to."

"Good. Come around 8? 8:30? Dress comfortably."


"I'll text you the address."

"Perfect. Bye."

"Bye Teya."

I then clicked the end button.

"He wants to see me again. We're going to watch a movie at his house."

"Just be natural and don't do what I wouldn't do."said Lauren.

"What wouldn't you do?"said Mia looking at Lauren.

"Shut up pinhead!"

"Look whose talking...Sharkeisha!"said Mia.

"Do I look like that ratchet little girl?"asked Lauren.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"She started it."whispered Lauren.

"No I didn't!"

"Y'all childish! Can we order something now?"

"I know. I'm thirsty!"said Lauren.

"I could've told you that."whispered Mia.

"Pinhead!? Who is talking to you?"

"Why are you hollering?!"

"Can you girls not do this right now?"

"That's what I've been saying."said Lauren.

"Oh really."yelled Mia.

This is going to be a long day. I slowly began to slid into my chair while covering my face with my menu.


I began to wonder the house. It was about 6:30 and I just finished taking a shower. I was looking at recent pictures Charles and I toke.

"Where did things go wrong?"

Our wedding picture was in the middle of the living room. It was a huge portrait of us and it was the best day of life. I'm not going to say it wasn't. I will always remember that day. Who doesn't remember the day they first got married? I thought Charles was the one without a doubt. I never wanted to look stupid or being the one to get hurt.

I never wanted to be that girl who had the boyfriend that cheated. Walking around not knowing. Walking around thinking things are all dandy and perfect. Being faithful isn't something hard when you're in love. Everything and everyone is less important compared to your lover. It's almost like placing a bet and losing.

"It's almost depressing."

I was beginning to think so hard that I didn't realize how late it was getting. It was 7:30 and I had plans with Troy. I rushed into my closet and picked out a simple outfit. I toke out my newly bought black PINK sweatsuit. I brushed up my hair into a messy bun and jumped into my UGGS. I grabbed my Louis Vuitton tote bag and headed out the door.

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

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