20: Nothing To Do With You

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20: Nothing To Do With You

I literally slammed my front door shut. The neighbors were probably wondering what was going on because next I heard a knock a on the door. I kicked off my heels and opened up the door. It wasn't one of my neighbors it was Mia and Lauren.

"Get in and lock the door."

I kicked my heels to the side. I grabbed my purse and stalked up the stairs. I walked into my room and changed out of my church clothes. I changed into a tank and a pair of leggings. I walked back down to see Mia and Lauren standing where I left them. Lauren was glaring at me.

"Sorry! Charles just ruined my whole mood. I'm sorry I left without notice."

"You should be saying sorry to Troy. He was asking for you but we had no clue where you were."said Lauren.

"Yeah. You just left. What did he say that got you so upset?"asked Mia.

"He keeps trying to pursue a relationship. He was like I will get you back and you'll always be mine. I can't deal with his crap anymore."

"Tell him off already or I'll do it."said Lauren.

"Like I haven't? He was asking about Troy and I don't want Troy in this mess. This is why I didn't want to catch feelings for him."

"Are you seriously going to let Charles ruin something that could become something?"asked Mia.

"I just don't want to get Troy into a situation that has nothing to do with him. I'm already on edge of losing it."

I then heard a knock on the door. I walked past Lauren and Mia to answer the door. I opened it and Troy was just standing there.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same. We had a conversation to continue."said Troy.

I looked back at Mia and Lauren.

"One second."

I slipped on some flats and shut the front door. Troy backed up a little to give me room to come out. We were now standing on the porch.

"I got into an argument with Charles. It started calm and collective then started going downhill. I tried to walk away and then he said something that truly pissed off. I couldn't go back and talk to you. I didn't want to send out negative vibes for no reason."

I inhale and began to finish.

"I don't want you in the middle of Charles and I. We may not be married but Charles is on a mission to get me back."

"He needs to get the message that you don't want a relationship. You divorced him for a reason."

"I told him this more than once. I told him straight up that I didn't want a relationship or even a friendship. He said if I was a true Christian I would forgive and forget."

"He is trying to make you feel bad. I'm going to be with you regardless. He's your past and I'm your future."he said winking.

"Corny." I said nudging him.

"Corny but true. Charles can't control you or your future."

"I know. I just don't want you to think that I'm playing you and that's why I'm being straight forward."

"I know you are. You have been straight it from the day I met you in the parking lot."

"I was really mean...wasn't I?"

"Not exactly. I wouldn't want to be bothered after all that went on."

"So if you wouldn't want to bothered then why would you come to me?"

"You looked like you needed encouragement. When I divorced my first wife...I had no one to guide me. My parents thought I was crazy but that was because I never told them what she had did. The church was beyond disappointed and my friends didn't know what to say. The same things I'm telling you are the things I wished someone had spoken to me. It would have helped at the time but I'm grateful for how far I've came."said Troy.

"You really care about me? At first I was wondering what your motive was then I was annoyed. You weren't getting the hint that I didn't want to be bothered. Then I thought you were trying to be the hero when really you just cared. There was no strings attached or games being played."

Troy then moved closer to me.

"Women are not objects or toys. I don't use women as a chess piece but I do like being in control sometimes. I was played so why would I do it to someone who was in the same position as I once was."

He's so honest and that almost scares me. He is everything Charles was when we first got married. I shouldn't even be comparing the two because Troy is nothing like my ex-husband.

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