25: I Can't Just Move On

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25: I Can't Just Move On

I let out a light sigh. I was relieved that everything got put away. I was pretty tired and I'm sure Troy was too.

We were deciding on what to eat.

"Would Chinese food be okay?"I asked Troy."

That's perfect. I haven't had some good Chinese food in years." I scrunched up my face."You're missing out!"

I picked up the phone and ordered the special.

"Thanks for all the help by the way. I appreciate everything you've done." I will have the phone in my hand when he replies. "You should really stop saying thank you."

I turned away from him. "What?"he asked looking concerned. "Nothing." I hang the phone back on the hook. "It's just....never mind." His hand landed on my shoulder. "Turn around."he said.

I faced him. I toke a deep breathe and began to spill what I've been wanting to say for a while now.

"I think that we should take another step forward. I mean we have known each other long enough."

"I agree. We already know a lot about each other."

"I was talking to my parents a few months ago and I told them about you. They wanted to meet you."

"I would love to meet your parents on the simple rules that your father doesn't beat my ass."

"I think I got that covered." I laughed. I thought about my father. He was the typically over protective father. He didn't allow me to talk to boys even though I still did.

"I'll take your word for that. Who are you like? Your mom or dad?"

"I would say both. My attitude comes from my father but my femininity comes from my mother. She did live girly things."

"When I first met you. You were so intimidating and secretive. You looked at if you were ready to claw my eyes out."

I felt so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I was such a prune. I can be that way but I had a good reason." I then punched him in the shoulder lightly.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Delivery!" I heard someone say. My stomach once again made a low grumble. "I'll get it! Try to find something to watch."I literally bolted to the door. I toke out a $35 out of my pocket. I opened the door.

"Thank y-" I stopped mid sentence to see Matiah standing in front of me. "Really." That's the first thing that slipped out of my mouth.

"$30.29" She was looking down. She couldn't even look at me.

"Keep the change." I held out the money. She looked up at me.

"I haven't seen or spoke to Charles since what happened. He hasn't been coming to church but we aren't on speaking terms."I raised my eyebrows. "By the way. I know what Charles and I did is probably unforgivable but I'm sorry. I've suffered from this as well."

This chick is not serious at all.

"I'm seriously over it as you can see. I'm starting afresh. I'm divorced and whatever Charles is doing or did is none of my concerns. I couldn't care if you guys were speaking or still having sex."

She looked at me.


I toke the food out of her hands and replaced it with money. I then closed the door straight in her face.

I walked back into the living room. Troy quickly got up and toke the food boxes out of my hands.

"You should've called me. These are pretty heavy."He said."I know." He placed the boxes on the table. I toke a seat on the couch. "Matiah was the one who delivered the food. I never thought I would see her again."

Troy sat beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me.

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