24: You Win Some and You Lose Some

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24: You Win and You Lose Some

I got the call that I could go to my condo. I wanted Troy to be with me when I first opened the door.

He was the reason that I was able to get the condo. I dialled his number and told him to tag along but he assisted on driving.

I was fine with that. I was zipping up my jacket when I heard a honk outside. I grabbed my suitcase and keys. I had to take a quick scan of the house. I was leaving everything that once was.

"New beginnings."I whispered.

I placed the house keys on the small hook beside the door. I wasn't going back. Troy walked towards me and toke my suitcase. He threw it in the back of his Mercedes. I climbed in the front and threw my bag over.

"How do you feel?"he asked."Fantastic."

He toke my hand and kissed it. I smiled and he pulled out of the driveway.


Troy pulled up to the building. It was as beautiful as it was in the inside. The glass building was reflecting off the sun which caused me to look away. Troy parked his car and grabbed my suitcase. I slang my handbag over my shoulder. I shut the car door.

We walked inside.

"Are you Teya? You look like a Teya."the lady asked behind the desk.

I laughed and nodded.

"Oh. I would like to give you this."

She handed me a key.

"There was a couple of guys here and they said it was on the house. I don't know why they would say something was on the house. This is a building not a house."said the lady.

Troy looked over at me. I'm guessing old age was catching up with her.

"Thank you. Those men were movers and they delivered some furniture for me." She gave me a confused look."Furniture for what? What are you rambling about?"

"Uh...T."whispered Troy. "Who is this young man? Your boyfriend?"the lady whispered."He isn't my boyfriend."

This lady needs to stop talking.

"Is he your pimp?!"she yelled. "No."

"Ohhhh like a boyfriend?"she asked."Let's go!"I grabbed Troy's hand.

I pushed the elevator button.

"What was that about?"he asked."Your asking me? I don't know what's wrong with the lady. I thought she was just getting old until she basically called me a whore."

The elevator opened. I looked at the key and it had the number 5 on it. I'm guessing I live on fifth floor and I'm hoping this is actually my key. I pushed the number 5.

"Where did she get that from?"he asked."She thought you were my pimp. She asked if you were my boyfriend..." I paused at that."What did you say?" He looked very interested in what I was going to say next.

I didn't reply. The elevator opened and I walked out after Troy. We walked out and headed to my door. I placed my key to unlock the door.

Thankfully the door opened and as it was opening. I felt a cool breeze hit me and as I looked inside. Everything was placed neatly and I wished I could've seen the movers before they left. They did an amazing job.

"Nice."said Troy while placing my suitcase on the floor. I nodded in response.

I had a balcony and the view was beautiful. I had a luxurious kitchen which was spacious. It was the perfect kitchen in my perspective.

"Could you bring my suitcase in my room?"I pouted. "Fine. It's only because I'm a gentleman."he then said. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the room. As I entered the room I was overwhelmed. I had a walk in closet and my bathroom was just the right size.

"I can't even put in to words how excited I am. Thanks for everything."I smiled. "It's no big deal at all. I have nothing better to do."he smiled back.

I instantly thought of something. I needed to unpack my clothes and I could use the help.

"Since you have nothing to do then you can help me unpack my clothes." I didn't bother waiting for a reply. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room. I quickly ran back in the room.

"I almost forgot...the hangers are in the side pocket. The heels go on the top shelf then the sneakers go on the bottom. Thank you!"

I had to put my plates and utensils away. Thank God my intimates weren't in that suitcase but in my carry on. I wouldn't want him seeing all that. I walked down the hall towards the kitchen. I picked up the box slowly and made my way to the kitchen counter. One by one I filled up the cabinets with glasses and plates. I had the knifes and all that left.

I then heard when the bedroom door closed. I seen Troy making his way to the kitchen.

"Your finished already?"I asked."I'm not as slow as you, baby girl." I rolled my eyes which caused him to laugh. "It's difficult reaching these high cabinets. I have to take my time."

He began helping me put the rest of the stuff away.

"I never knew you were into granny panties."

I instantly stopped packing.

"What did you just say?"I turned towards him. "You heard me." He continued to put the knifes away. "I only wear them when I'm on my period. How did you even see them?!"

I placed my hands on my hips.

"Well I was taking out your corsets-" I cut him off right there. "Boy, don't play with me. I do not own any type of corset." He began to laugh. "I'm joking. I seen one of your bathing suits and it was stuck to it."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You're annoying!" Troy finished putting the rest of the knifes away. I already finished with the utensils. My stomach started to growl and what can I say? It's been a long day.

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

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