29: Forward?

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29: Forward?

I haven't spoken to Troy in what? About three days now and I know that doesn't seen that long but it seems like forever.

"I'm being too dramatic. What if he doesn't want to make the first step and call?" I said walking around my office. I haven't even looked over the file that I received from my client. At the moment my mind was preoccupied.

"I can't believe he expects me to call first. I can't do that."

I looked to the file that was sitting on my desk that I haven't looked through yet.

"Work comes first. Focus!" I toke a seat than jumped back up."Why wouldn't he call? I'm a pretty good looking female? What the hell." I said rubbing my temple.

"You sure are." I jumped at the sound of the voice. I spun around to see someone that I didn't quite know.

"I'm John. Having relationship problems?" He said while leaning on the door frame.

"No." I said nonchalantly.

John looked at me blankly.

"Ok! There's this guy and he's really amazing and we haven't spoken in a few days. I'm just a little anxious. It's pretty pathetic."

His features didn't change. I'm guessing he doesn't think I'm that pathetic.

"I don't think your pathetic. Guys are guys. We don't remember these things and I'm sure if he's that great. He's probably wondering why you haven't called."

"You got a valid point. I'm Teya." I said extending my hand. He walked in and shook it. "I'm John. I'm guessing your the new lawyer." I nodded.

"Yes I am. I just got this job and I don't want to blow it. I haven't even started with this case." I said while pointing to the papers laid out on my desk. "I'll let you get back to that and good luck. If you need anything I'm right down the hall." He said with a wave walking out of my office. "Thanks!"

I just got advice from colleague. This may not be as bad as I thought. It's like my second day and I'm getting advice. I don't know wether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Now I know to keep my door closed. Anytime I start mumbling about my love life. " I faced the window behind my desk.

"Love life?" That sounds interesting. I need to invest in journal instead of standing around talking to myself. I turned around to see Troy.

"No to the journal." I started fiddling with my fingers.

"I missed you."

"I'm always here. You should've called."

"I didn't want to be the first one to call. I didn't want to look so needy." I looked up to him.

"It could've went both ways. I didn't want to seem so forward." Forward?

"Forward? You make it sound like it's a bad thing. I want you to be forward. I've never had someone set things on the table. Having you do that would fascinating. Ever since we've met you've told me what you wanted. You wanted something serious." I held his hands.

"You make me feel special...wanted. You make me feel that way. Call me late in the wee hours of the night. Show up at my workplace to take me out to lunch. I may be damaged goods as some would call it but I'm worth it. I want this to work just as much as you do.

I closed my eyes and opened them again.

"Charles did hurt me. I would wonder what I did that I failed as a wife? Than I realized that I didn't do anything wrong. I wonder what he had found in Matiah's bed that he didn't find in the one that we shared? I realized that it was the game. Sleeping with Matiah behind my back was a game to him. A chase. What happened to the love that we once had? What happened to the loyalty? The bond? What happened to the vows? This whole time I thought that was love. I now realize that this is what love truly feels like."

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