Chapter 1.2 - A new acquaintance

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Oh my god, why is Kagami so hot? (¬‿¬)
Okay okay, I'm just gonna start with the chapter! Have fun.

Ai winced as someone tapped on her shoulder while she was looking out of the window. 'Please don't let it be him...', she prayed fearfully and slowly turned her head to the person, being surprised from the tall redhead she ran into a short time ago.

"You dropped your phone. I wanted to give it back to you, but you weren't there anymore", he said with a warm smile and put a black mobile on her desk. The girl widened her eyes when she noticed that her phone was indeed not in her pocket, so she took it from her desk and put it back into her pocket.

"Thanks. I owe you one", she said blankly and the boy didn't separate his eyes from her. "No worries. I'm Kagami Taiga, by the way", he introduced himself as he took his seat and still looked at the emotionless girl.
He kinda expected from her to introduce herself too, but Ai didn't do it since she really didn't want anyone to know her name, so she nodded and made the redhead sweat drop lightly.

"Why were you in such a hurry? You almost knocked me down", Kagami asked the girl with a sheepish smile and she shortly thought about what answer to give. "I wanted to get away as soon as possible after choosing a club. I don't like being among so many people", she replied and Kagami nodded.

Ai didn't think that his presence was annoying or anything like that, but he reminded her of someone she didn't ever want to see again. That someone was Aomine Daiki and he too contributed to her terrible past, being one of the Generation of Miracles.

She shook her bad thoughts off.

'He isn't Aomine, he isn't awful and cruel like him.'

She hoped that the last sentence was a true fact and wouldn't be proved wrong anytime, but Kagami was really kind and nice in her eyes, for the first few impressions at least.

But all of them have been friendly in the beginning too...

Kagami noticed that Ai was thinking about something, so he snapped loudly and made the girl pay her attention to him again. "Are you okay?", he asked and she nodded. He decided to keep up the conversation with another topic.

"Which club did you choose?", he asked with a little hope that she might have enrolled in the basketball team, even if it wasn't logical because she was a girl. But the answer made him happy.

"Basketball. But as the assistant coach."
"Cool! Me too, but as a player of course", he said a bit louder to show that he was happy. "Nice", was her short and still quiet reply.

It was difficult for Kagami to keep up the conversation with Ai since she seemed to be a really serious person and didn't ask him anything back. He decided not to say anything anymore because he noticed that something was going on. He had never seen anyone so serious in his life. Her eyes looked so lifeless and tired, as if they would beg to close forever as soon as possible.

It sounded sick, but Kagami was worried, even if he just met her a short time ago. What happened to the girl?
Why was she so cautious and cold?
He wanted to find that out and he was glad that he ended up in the same class with her.

The first school day passed with the teachers introducing themselves, the school books being distributed and other organizational stuff.

Kuroko was in the class too, but she tried to ignore the boy as good as she could. He was sitting right behind her, so it was difficult for her since she felt his blue and cold eyes glaring at her back.

After school was over, it was time for extracurricular activities. Ai fastly left the classroom with Kagami almost running behind her and they headed to the gym 'together'.

Ai entered the dressing room for girls after arriving there and put on a pair of black sweatpants, a tight and similar colored t-shirt, a thin jacket to cover the scars on her arms and a pair of white sports shoes. After tying her hair up in a high and neat ponytail, the girl entered the gym and met the boys who were standing next to the short haired girl. Ai assumed that they were second years.

The brunette smiled kindly when she saw Ai and waved at her. "Glad that you came!", she said and the serious girl nodded. After Kagami and Kuroko arrived too, everyone was introduced to each other and the coach checked on them.

Ai couldn't really concentrate on taking notes on the boys' abilities and weaknesses, which was her task as the assistant coach, because she always felt being watched by the light blue haired boy.
But she tried to do her best and thought to herself that the bad thoughts will go away if she continues to ignore him and not think about it any further. He couldn't do anything to her anymore.

Neither him, nor anyone else of the Generation of Miracles.

That was what she thought, but she didn't know that she would meet them very soon.


UGH, I don't like this chapter, sorry that it turned out so crappy and boring :( But the details are really important since Ai and Kagami will have a lot to do with each other later, and I wanted to show that the two 'got along' from the first moments and conversations. The next ones will get better and full of action, drama and romance, I promise! ;)

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