Chapter 2.2 - Daisies

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Hello, I'm back with a new chapter! :)
Who do you ship Ai with till now?

By the way, everyone who is interested in her will definitely get their time to shine, don't worry. It would only be fair and excited then, wouldn't it?

Taiga was still sleeping and snuggled his face into the pillow that smelled like heaven to him.
'This scent... Wait... That isn't my pillow... Whose is it?', he interrogated himself innerly and slowly opened his eyes.

It was still 7 am, school would start at 9 am and Ai decided not to wake him up yet because he looked really tired the evening before.

After realizing that he wasn't in his room, Taiga tried to remember where he was as he was rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Good morning", Ai spoke and interrupted Taiga's thoughts as she heard that he had gotten up. "I just finished preparing breakfast."

The boy smiled at the fact that he had fallen asleep in her living room, but he felt slightly embarrassed for having loved the scent that was on her bed linen and was glad that she didn't notice that.

Now that he thought of it, it was obviously Ai's scent. He had smelled it when she was near him or passed by him for a few times.
He couldn't even tell what it was.
Was it mixture of strawberries and vanilla?
Or anything else and vanilla?
Damn, he wasn't a fragrance producer.

"Morning. I'm coming", Taiga grunted and walked to the kitchen with a sleepy yawn.
"You look like you have slept well", the girl said with her back turned to the tall boy as she shut off the cooker she was leaning against.
"Definitely. Sorry, I was really tired and just fell asleep", the red eyed replied some time later after fully waking up and he scratched the back of his neck, watching Ai who was carrying a big plate full of delicious smelling French Toasts on the table and taking out orange juice from the fridge afterwards.

"It's okay. Let's have breakfast now."
Taiga nodded and almost drooled at the smell of the dish as he sat down on the chair opposite to Ai and waited for her to sit down too, what she did a short time later.
The two teenagers silently had breakfast and Taiga devoured most of it after asking Ai if she wanted more of course, what she declined.

Both put away the dishes when they were finished and Ai took out the two prepared bento boxes from the fridge, which surprised Taiga as he saw how much effort she had put into preparing them.
They looked lovely and delicious.

'When the hell did she wake up?', he grumbled but didn't ask her about it.

"Thanks. Wasn't necessary though", he said with a sheepish smile and had a slight blush on his cheeks. Taiga's answer made Ai shake her head as she handed one of the boxes to the basketball player and put hers into her school bag. "Nutrition is important, especially for us students", she said with a sad tone in her voice and closed her eyes shortly as she remembered the time where she hadn't eaten anything for days.

She had been nothing but skin and bone and looked like she had been reduced to a skeleton.

'I won't ever end up like that again. Never, no matter what happens. I've promised this to myself.'

A practice match was taking place in the gym hall when it was time for club activities after school was over; the second years played against the first years. It took 20 minutes in total without any breaks since it was only a practice match.

Ai was given the task to take notes again, but this time how they could even improve their abilities and get even better than they already were, as well as their weaknesses.
The girl was pretty impressed by each of their skills, but also by the improvements of Kuroko. His ability of using misdirection and his low presence to irritate his opponents and pass his teammates had gotten much better and it seemed like he finally decided on using this style of basketball.

Ai was diligently taking notes on especially Kuroko and Taiga, but she stopped as she saw the redhead smirking proudly after dunking his teammate's alley-oop. The girl nervously looked down at the pen she held in her hand and was about to snap it in half.

Taiga reminded her of him so much, it just couldn't go unnoticed by her.


"Are you okay?", Aida, who was also watching the match, asked the ravenette and her look turned into a really concerned one as Ai began to breathe heavily without noticing.

"Y-Yeah", Ai replied a short time later and continued to take notes with shaky hands, but the coach insisted on the girl going outside to get some fresh air. She had noticed that Ai had gotten paler than she already was before and that she didn't look really well or healthy.

'Why am I still afraid of him...? I will most likely encounter him and the others one day because of matches, but nothing more. I won't talk to them, so they can't do anything to me. And it's very unlikely that they would still want anything from me, after 2 years! That's bullshit. I started a new life, Ai is dead and I forgot everything about them. I must pull myself together! I didn't survive for nothing during these two years in loneliness! God has given me another chance, and I definitely won't waste this one!'

Ai walked back to the gym to continue on taking notes after she felt a bit better.

The practice match ended after 20 minutes and practice was over too because the boys were really exhausted.

Ai walked to the lockers to leave her unnecessary school books there after saying goodbye to her teammates, but her eyes caught a glimpse of something unfamiliar in her locker.

It was a bouquet of fresh and beautiful daisies, her favourite flowers, with a yellow note sticked onto it.

~I'm glad that we'll meet again soon. Can't wait ♡~


You must have waited to get an exciting chapter, so here you have one I guess.
I decided to not reveal all of Ai's past at once because that wouldn't make any sense, so I decided to do it like this.

Have a nice day! 😊

Forgiveness - KnB  (ON-HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon