Chapter 11.1 - Street ball competition

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I hope you are looking forward to finally read about Tatsuya 💜

A little help for you guys:
Italic + bold = English

Everyone of Seirin's basketball team met in a restaurant to have supper together, including Ai who was forced to tag along with the group of the chaotic boys and their aggressive coach. But the ravenette's mood didn't change by the good atmosphere that was created by the team of energetic teenagers talking about something she wasn't paying attention to.

She picked at the little portion of food she had ordered with one of her palms on her chin and her eyes attached on the plate.
The girl wanted to go home as fast as possible because she was really tired due to not having been able to sleep at all in the last few nights.

"How does that sound, Haru-san? You could do that for me, right?", the pleading voice of Aida, who was sitting next to Ai, sounded and made the girl drop her fork with a loud noise after flinching.

"Haru-chan, are you okay?", Kiyoshi who was sitting on the other side next to her asked the girl with concern and put a hand on her shoulder while Kagami stared into her with an intense glare full of hate. Kuroko noticed this and stepped on his foot to make him look away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen. Could you repeat what you just said, Aida-senpai?", she asked silently after she picked up the silverware from the floor.

The asked girl smiled worriedly and nodded, handing her a flyer of a 5 on 5 street ball competition that was set on the next day and the team that was going to defeat all of the other teams would get a cup as the prize.

"I will give everyone the day off tomorrow and I want the first years to take part at this competition. So... could you please go with them to take care of them? I don't want the idiots to go berserk and cause a ruckus there", she pleaded with puppy-eyes and made Ai nod slightly. "Great! Thank you!", Aida said gleefully and hugged the girl, making a few of the team chuckle.

Ai didn't know why, but she had a really bad feeling about this competition.

And that was how she ended up going to the competition the following day together with Kuroko, Kagami, Furihata, Fukuda and surprisingly Kiyoshi who had just decided to tag along with them.

"Guys, isn't that Seihō?", Fukuda asked and looked at a small group of familiar guys who indeed were three of Seihō's players.
Seirin walked over to them and they greeted each other with nods or smiles. "We finally get the chance to play against each other again! I'm looking forward to it!", Tsugawa yelled annoyingly and made his way towards Ai who he had seen when Teikō had played against Seihō back then and Iwamura pulled the excited male back by his collar to calm him down.

"Sorry for that. You are Haru-san, the former assistant coach of Teikō, right? We recognized you when we played against you guys, but you were injured and we decided not to disturb you", he added calmly and Kasuga nodded, joining him.
"Yes, that's right. Nice to meet you again, Tsugawa-san, Iwamura-san and Kasuga-san", Ai replied politely and shook hands with each of them.

Seirin started chatting with the three boys until they had to leave for their matches and they left after saying goodbye to the team and wishing them luck.

"I'm hungry. Let's go and get something to eat", Kagami said and made the others follow him to a food stall, with Ai staying silent and not being able to stop him.

"Team Seihō, please make your way to the court", an announcement sounded and Seirin made their way to the court to watch the game. They were forced to run though because they were late due to Kagami having dragged the others to the food stall.

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