Chapter 7 - Unexpected meeting

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Damn Aomine, why you gotta be so hot~?
I hope that you are looking forward to finally read about him ;)

Ai bounced the basketball up and down with her right hand a few meters in front of the hoop and sighed. She was practicing in front of Aida's sports gym where the boys were practicing in the swimming pool inside.

The match against Tōō was going to be in a few weeks and no one had time to relax since they knew that Aomine was a goddamned beast when it came to basketball. The only one who couldn't practice was Taiga because of his foot injury due to his too many high jumps and he had to watch the others practice instead.

Ai needed to distract herself from the bad thoughts that were hunting here. She couldn't watch the others practice, even if she was the assistant coach of the team and needed to help them improve. She thought that Aida was enough to coach the team anyway.

'Now or never.'

The girl collected enough energy on her feet and looked at her right ankle. She was handicapped ever since she got an injury by a certain candy-loving giant who had been angry at her and almost broke her right ankle with his tall hands. The doctor had told her that she should stop doing sports because her right leg would never work like it had worked before the injury and that it would always hurt if she acted carelessly, but she never listened and wasn't planning on doing that anytime.

There was also a possibility of doing a therapy that consisted of a crap load of rest and moving her leg up and down slowly every day. The same boring exercises every freaking day. And this for about one year or even more since her leg was in a really bad shape.

She had to wait six whole months to even get the permission of the delinquent to go to the doctor. He or his friends were with her the whole time to control if she was trying to go to the doctor. Not only that, she had to lie to the doctor and everyone else who noticed the injury with saying that she had fallen down the stairs and hadn't expected it to be such a big deal.

But no matter how much pain she was in, an injury couldn't ever stop her.

Ai ran towards the basket with amazing speed and pretty good dribbling skills and jumped up as high as she could to shoot the basketball into the hoop, but a stinging pain passed from her right ankle to her knee and she missed, making the orange ball roll away. The black haired girl furrowed her eyebrows at the pain after she landed on her feet and bit her lower lip while bending down to massage her ankle.


"It didn't heal yet how I see. Nice underwear, by the way", a low voice sounded and Ai fastly shot her upper body up to hide her panties with her skirt, only to hiss in pain again. She immediately knew who the voice belonged to and she just wanted him to get lost.

"Leave", she demanded coldly without turning to the male. He was literally staring holes into her back with his sassy smirk and she felt shivers running down her spine. She really hadn't expected to see him so soon, especially when she was on her own.
"Aw, come on. Don't you want to greet your friend? It's been two years, after all~", he said teasingly and Ai turned around to glare at him with her blank gaze. "What do you want? I know that you aren't here to practice." Ai's voice sounded tough and cool, but Aomine heard the hidden fear in it and he remained his cocky smirk.

His navy blue eyes fixated on her cleavage right after she turned around. "Your boobs are as big as Satsuki's. They've grown a lot", he said sassily without even bothering to answer the question she had asked him. "Stop talking about my cup size. Now leave if you haven't got anything important to say", she ordered and wanted to walk towards the basketball to pick it up, but Aomine was faster than her and he raised it to the air to tease her it so that Ai couldn't get the chance to reach for it.

Ai carefully went on her tip-toes with a scoff and raised her arms to get the ball back, but the boy raised it higher and grinned diabolically. Ai was only 5' 4" high and the boy opposite to her was 6' 3.5" high. That was a very big height difference and Aomine took advantage of it. Well, it couldn't be expected less from someone like him.

"Give it back!", the ravenette shouted angrily and jumped up with the pain in her ankle getting worse. Her breasts bounced back and forth and made the power forward lick his lips in hunger.  Her body looked perfect to him. He would even consider burning his stack of Horikata Mai-chan magazines to own Ai instead. He thought that the ravenette was way hotter than the porn magazine model.

"I will give it back if you give me something in exchange~", he purred seductively as he leaned down to her face and still held up the basketball with one hand, watching as the girl widened her eyes shortly, narrowing them a while later. "I'm not going to give you anything!", Ai shouted furiously and scooted away from the male. She was fuming, but also afraid. Who was he to show up only to tease and embarrass her? And what was he going to do now? What did he want from her after two years?

"Shall I tell your friends of our connection- Ah, no! And of your connection with the others as well?", he asked with his eyes widened in satisfaction of her immediately horrified expression. That was one of the last things Ai wanted anyone else to know about.

Aomine definitely meant the way they treated her and what they have done to her. He knew that Ai was really easy to embarrass and that she would probably crawl into a hole if anyone heard about that. She had always been feeling so insecure about this. What if one of them would tell her only friends about that? No one would believe her that she didn't have another choice and actually didn't want them to do any of these things to her. No one would buy her that she didn't have another choice but looked for an escape for a really long time till she finally found one.

She knew that Aomine didn't give the slightest fuck about her. He didn't even ask her about the bandages on her legs and hands or didn't ask her how she was doing. How was she so blind and considered him a friend during her 'good' time at Teikō? She was disappointed in herself for having believed them, especially Aomine and a few other prodigies who treated her like crap. She hated herself for having been so naive back then. Being that nowadays was the last thing she would wish of herself.

Ai looked down in shame and really didn't know what to reply, but the basketball was grabbed from Aomine's hand from behind. Ai looked up when she heard Aomine scoff in annoyance and he looked into a tall and to Ai familiar redhead's narrowed eyes. The girl was relieved that someone actually came to save her from the pervert.

"You are challenging me? You'll regret that, Kagami Taiga", the dark tanned boy said when he recognized Kagami and the redhead growled, not knowing who he had just challenged.


Sorry if this chapter was sort of confusing, I promise that a few chapters of flashbacks will come one day. See ya!

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