Chapter 9.2 - Summer Camp

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I'm back from holidays and school is beginning in 2 days, fml. 😣
But I'm happy to upload again and I hope that you are happy to read the new chapter 😊

"Don't dare to make a move on my daughter!", Kategora threatened the boys and drove away with his car while everyone waved at him and smiled nervously at his threat. It was finally time for the Summer Camp and Seirin's basketball team arrived at the beach a short while ago to train.

Both Aida and Ai have prepared really well for the in total four weeks including the other two weeks in the mountains. They were responsible for the organization and everything else. Kagami had taught Aida how to make good curry since her dishes used to taste awful due to the vitamin pills she had always added to them. Ai had constructed training schedules for everyone and had found out several information about other high schools' basketball players to prepare Seirin for the upcoming matches in the last cup of this year: the Winter Cup.

Everyone was hella motivated and they were literally ready to kick asses -
Joking, they were ready to win the Winter Cup, of course. Their determined faces could have literally blown people away, but there weren't many people fortunately.

The team stopped in front of the accommodation and everyone placed their bags on the ground. "Please leave the bags to me. I'll carry them to the rooms and check us in. This is the gathered information and the individual workout plans, Aida-senpai", Ai said and handed the short haired coach a tidied folder who nodded. "Alright. We'll go down to the beach then. Here's the money", she replied with a smile and handed Ai an envelope in return.

"Shouldn't we help her?", Kiyoshi asked, making Izuki and Mitobe nod in agreement. "These aren't even heavy...", Kagami mumbled under his breath in annoyance and made Kuroko tread on his foot. "Kagami...", Hyūga growled angrily and everyone glared at him.

Ai held up her hand to prevent a big argument that was slowly beginning to accure. "I can do that on my own, don't worry", she said quietly and forced a small smile on her lips. "Okay, let's go guys", Aida said hesitatingly and went ahead with the boys following right behind her.

Kuroko, who had Nigou in his arms, stopped after taking a few steps and he turned his face to Ai who had started to pick up a few of the bags. "Haru-chan, do you mind taking care of Nigou for today? I'm afraid that he might get lost", he asked the girl and she nodded. "Of course, Tsuya-kun. Could you tell the others that I will stay here today and make dinner?", she asked back and the light blue haired nodded too, placing his pet on the ground gently.

He then looked at Ai in concern. He knew that something was going on. "Is everything alright between Kagami-kun and you?", he asked and Ai looked at the black and white husky that was waggling it's tail, panting with a wide opened mouth and looking back at the girl. "Yes, I guess so. See you later", Ai replied kindly and walked inside the housing with a few of the bags in her hands. Kuroko followed the raven haired girl with his baby blue eyes till he couldn't see her anymore and ran up to the others after Nigou walked inside too to follow Ai.

Ai successfully checked Seirin in, paid for the two reserved rooms and carried the bags to the rooms with Nigou running after her in excitement. One of the rooms was for the boys and the other one for Ai and Aida.

"There is still a lot of time until dinner. Let's go to the gym, Nigou!", Ai said after she changed into her sports clothes in the room she shared with Aida and got out where said pet was patiently waiting for her. The dog agreed with a cheerful bark and Ai smiled as she headed to the gymnasium to improve her abilities too.

She set up some materials, stretched, massaged her ankle and ran around the hall for about ten minutes before beginning with her own training plan: It simply consisted of dribbling around the cones as fast as possible, shooting hoops from various distances, practicing shenanigans she had learned a long time ago when she used to play street ball together with Aomine, and most important of all, practicing to increase her speed with sprinting and running some more. It was her ability after all.

Ai still needed to practice a lot to improve, but she accepted this. It was a lot more difficult since she had a physical disadvantage now, but that was okay for her.

Ai finally stopped after a few hours of training with almost no breaks as she began to suffer from the pain she had in both of her legs due to the damage and having strained her other one just like Kagami had done once. But her whole body hurt and she wasn't to able to continue.

Ai stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her frame after she had taken a cold shower. She changed into another pair of sports clothes because she decided to go to the beach after dinner when no one was there anymore.

She walked to the kitchen after drying her hair and tied it up to a bun so that it wouldn't disturb her. The obedient dog sat on the floor beside the girl and watched each of her steps and moves in interest.

It was time to wait after Ai was finished with chopping the vegetables, frying the meat and mixing them together into a stew. She waited for the curry to get ready after cooking rice and set the table in the big dining room that was next door. She then heard voices coming closer and recognized them as the members of her team.

"I'm so exhausted..."

"Same! And hungry too!"

"That smells so good..."

"I'll eat a crap load of it since Haru-chan made it!"

"Me too!"

The loud voices were followed by the kitchen door being slammed opened by a bunch of starving boys drooling over the delicious smell of the dish that was finally ready to be served. "You guys sure trained a lot, didn't you? Did the schedules at least help them, Aida-senpai?", Ai, who was about to carry the big pot to the dining room, smiled and made the boys squeal quietly while Kagami looked away in annoyance as the coach nodded exhaustedly and smiled.

'Yeah, we trained a crap load, unlike you. You must have talked to that bastard the whole-'

The redhead's angry thoughts were interrupted when he shortly turned his head to Ai's direction and saw her limping towards the door and struggling not to drop the heavy and hot pot in her hands because they were hurting. The others, including Nigou, didn't notice that and happily followed Ai to the dining room where they sat down and waited for the girl to get the pot of rice to the room. She served everyone and they enjoyed the meal a lot.

But Ai herself ate as less as possible due to the pain she was in.

Only Kagami seemed to notice that she was hiding something, but he couldn't care less.

He didn't have any connection to her anymore, after all.

But deep inside, he still cared about her.

'Why is she suffering so much...? Why doesn't she tell anyone what is going on with her...?'


And cut! Hah, who could have expected that Kagami x Ai would have a 'comeback' ;)?

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