Chapter 6.1 - Rematch

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Two teams were currently getting ready for a match. Shūtoku vs. Seirin, the final round of the Interhigh preliminaries. Seirin was really excited on the one hand, but nervous on the other hand to play against the King of the East with one of the Generation of Miracles being in the team. They have watched their match and had high expectations in them, just like in the match against Kaijō. They were definitely not going to disappoint or bore Seirin, it was actually the opposite. The match was going to be really exhausting.

But Shūtoku just acted like playing against Seirin was going to be nothing more like swatting annoying little flies. Long story short, they underestimated each of the teams they played against, so their behavior wasn't really surprising.

Ai sat on the bench and her eyes wandered around the audience that was gathered on the bleachers around the gym hall. Most of the audience was for Shūtoku, which wasn't really a surprise and girls were holding up posters. Ai formed a small smile on her lips and thought that it was cute that they had such loyal fans, but she gasped when she saw what was standing on them.

'ShintAru', 'MidorimAru', 'TakAru' and 'KazunAru'. The freaking ship names! And it made it even worse that big groups of crazy girls were shouting them. Their voices echoed throughout the whole freaking hall and made Ai search for a lake or a hole to drown or disappear in. Seriously, she was really embarrassed.

"That's so cute, don't you think so too~? I seriously don't know which of them is my otp because there are still others~", Aida teased the blushing girl and the boys overheard the conversation, what led to them letting out animalistic growls.

"It's up to you to decide, Aida-senpai. I'll go and greet them shortly", she replied clearing her throat after she calmed down and slowly got up from the bench. Ai's wounds were still hurting, but they were better than the day before. She thanked everyone for having helped her, especially Izuki, Kuroko, Taiga and Aida.

The girl waved cutely while she walked towards the two Shūtoku members and they too started walking towards her when they noticed the bandages on her knees, legs and hands. "What happened to you, nanodayo?", Midorima asked and his shorter friend sweat dropped at his way of 'greeting' the girl he liked. 'Couldn't expect more from a Tsundere...', he thought with a sigh.

"Is this how you should greet Haru-chan, Shin-chan?", he asked afterwards and Ai smiled, not minding Midorima's behavior.
"Hello, Tarō-kun and Takao-kun", she said and Takao smiled while Midorima adjusted his glasses without changing his facial expression. He looked like a teacher handing out the miserable results of an exam to his students. (A/N: Oh god, I hate that moment.)

"Hey, Haru-chan! / Hello, nanodayo", they said and the black haired girl looked down at her legs then scratched the back of her head. "I tripped yesterday while I tried to get to the match in time after we had a conversation", she explained and Midorima closed his eyes while Takao on the other hand widened his eyes in both shock and concern.

"You should have been careful and carried a plate with you. It was your lucky item for yesterday. But it wouldn't have helped much since Aquarius is the last on the list for the next few days, nanodayo", the green haired explained and Ai nodded to her inner self for having guessed what he would say.

Takao sighed. "Don't mind Shin-chan. Are you okay now? Do you have other injuries except the ones on your legs?", he asked worriedly and Ai nodded. "Yes, I am much better now, thank you. And yeah, on my elbows, but that's all", she replied and Takao smiled in relief. "Thanks god!"

"I'll go then. Let's have a good match", Ai said a while later and turned around to go back to Seirin's bench when she began to feel awkward because of the crowds of shippers that were going even crazier than before. She wondered how Takao and Midorima ignored the audience so easily.

"We won't go easy on you. I will show Kuroko and Kagami that their dream is more than naive and I will shatter it, nanodayo", Midorima said harshly and Ai smiled slightly, realizing that the Tsundere hadn't changed at all. 'Tarō-kun is as straight as always.'

"We'll see about that, Tarō-kun. See you!"
"See you, Haru-chan", Takao said as he waved and Midorima nodded slightly.

Ai walked back to Seirin's bench. "Good luck, guys!', she said motivatingly and the five players smiled at her before going to the court and lining up to start the match.

(A/N: Your dear author didn't have time to rewatch the match, so here is da end of it.)

No one expected that to happen. Kuroko stopped the last shot Midorima was going up to. Seirin won 82-81 and Ai looked over at the team in orange jerseys as the others on the bench jumped up and cheered, happy about their victory.

Midorima and Takao walked to Shūtoku's bench with serious expressions and Seirin got ready to leave because the team was tired as hell. That's why they decided to go to a restaurant to at least satisfy their hunger.

Seirin's basketball team looked around after they entered a restaurant, but two seats were missing and everyone except the redhead and the black haired girl sat down. The hungry basketball player grunted in annoyance while the ravenette looked around to find two seats. Well, they weren't successful, but they were sighted by two acquaintances who decided to greet them immediately.

"If this isn't my Haru-cchi!", a familiar and very loud voice sounded and Ai was tightly hugged from behind, startling the girl and angering the guy next to her.

"Not them again...", Kagami sighed angrily and closed his eyes with a tick mark on his forehead as one of the blonde's words made him angry. And of course, his presence because Taiga would have tried to get a bit closer to Ai if the annoying male hadn't decided to butt in.


And cut! Thanks for reading and be ready for a longer chapter next week! Please don't forget to vote or/and comment. I would really appreciate if you give your opinion on the chapter or on the story! ❤

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