Chapter 11 - Used

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This chapter has a lot of feels and I recommend you to listen to the soundtrack I put above (Hikari to Kage).

Seirin entered the gym hall where the second quarterfinal match of the Interhigh would take place. Holidays were over and Ai was 'happy' about that because her stay on the beach turned to hell after the incident with Midorima.

She couldn't get rid of her suicidal thoughts since then and actually was really close to trying to commit suicide a few times when no one was around, but she was always held back by the thought of her mother who had risked her own life and died only to give birth to Ai. That was the only thing that actually held her back, there was nothing or no one else to stop her.

The other members of Seirin noticed a change in the girl because it looked like all of her emotions have completely left her. She had never showed many, but they started to miss her rare and sincere smiles. But she always denied that and said that she was only not feeling really well lately.

Kaijō vs. Tōō.

The members of both teams were warming up for the match and Ai decided to go and sit on Kaijō's bench to support them. Aomine had told her that he didn't give a damn who she would cheer for, so she didn't bother supporting Tōō. The ravenette walked towards the bench and greeted the coach with a kind but faked smile, then watched boys stretching and talking to their teammates.

Kise was the first one to notice her and he tackled her down with a tight hug, squealing her name over and over.
"Ai-cchi! I'm so glad that you are here to support me~", he chirped and made Ai smile sadly.

'Still acting as if you love me, huh?'

"If he told you that he loves you or whatsoever, it is nothing more than a crappy lie to wrap you around his finger"

She shook off her thoughts to forget them for at least a short moment. She needed to motivate and support Kise and his team, that was all what mattered right now.

"Oi, Kise! Concentrate on warming up! And you'll suffocate her!", his hot-headed senpai yelled and made him shiver, fastly get up and help the girl up afterwards.

"Hey everyone. Do your best!", she kindly said to the team while brushing off the dust from her clothes and made Kasamatsu look away blushing while the others nodded with pink tinted cheeks.

"We'll win, Ai-cchi! I promise that!", the blonde said determinedly and made Ai nod. "I believe in all of you. You'll do that."

She sat down on the bench after waving at them and shortly looked over at her boyfriend who was glaring at her.
He really didn't look pleased at all.

"Uh-oh... I didn't know they were that close...", the Point Guard of Tōō said in his Kansai dialect and shortly opened one of his eyes to look at the ace of his team. Aomine's expression turned into a devilish one and he turned away from his comrade, saying a few words that made Imayoshi smile.

"I already told you. I'm going to crush Kise under my own feet with all my strength!"

(A/n: the chapter would have been to long if I described the whole match, so I made timeskips.)

The first quarter was over and Tōō was leading 18-13. The reason was that Kise needed time to use his ability of copying on Aomine.

When the second quarter was over, Tōō still had the lead and managed to create a bigger gap with a 43-34.

Ai would always smile at the players of Kaijō to motivate them. She really believed that they would defeat Tōō.

Kise's preparations to copy Aomine's style were finally completed in the middle of the third quarter and he got the navy blue haired boy to foul him four times, troubling his team. But they decided to rely on Aomine because they were still leading by 10 points and his determination was beginning to become dangerous.

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