(A/N) - Please read!!

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Hey everyone. Please take the time to read this author's note, it's really important to me.

As a few of you already know from the few messages I've posted, I haven't been feeling really well lately. Lately means a couple of months. It's really hard for me to find motivation to do anything, including daily tasks. I don't know what's going on, but my life is kinda going down the drain right now.

I have been writing this book for almost one and a half years and in the beginning, I was really determined to share this piece of work with other wattpad users. But as the time passed, I found myself neglecting a lot of things, even things I couldn't imagine ever neglecting a year ago.

Because of the drastic deterioration of my mental health, I am in a huge need of support and positivity, and right now, I'm getting none. I don't want to bash anyone, but almost all of the feedback I get for this book is hate or criticism. I can bear with negative feedback and it would help me improve my writing, but it's really frustrating to get nothing but comments about how crappy my main character is and stuff.

Anyway, because of the current circumstances, I declare this book as ON-HOLD  like my other three books. I'll be active sometimes, but I won't be publishing any chapters for the next few months. If I feel better after a certain amount of time, I'll decide what to do with my books. I need to find myself and a purpose for myself first and I know that I can't continue like this.

But I have a quick question to ask, please answer in the comments which one you'd like more.
If I will want to end the book as soon as possible, would you want me to:
1. discontinue it forever
2. publish a final chapter (and end the story much earlier than I have actually planned)

I hope there'll be a few comments till I come back (if I will).

See you again, maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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