O1. It's just a little jelaousy. ❤

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Ally's POV

I picked through the bowl of candy that Jesy had left out in her dressing room before she had gone to walk the carpet with the rest of the girls for the event they were attending. None of the other girls had brought dates to this event but I was leaving in a few days and desperately wanted to spend all the time I could with her. Ever so often I would look over at the monitor to check if the girls were finally at the one where I could hear and see. I was about to give up and just go look for them out on the carpet when I heard a familiar laugh that made my heart flutter. Running back over to the small screen I raised the volume to listen more clearly.

"If you could date anyone of your band mates who would it be?" The interviewer asked each one of the girls. I began eating the candy once again as I knew Jesy wouldn't answer, she'd probably make some joke and then bring me up like she'd always do.
"Wellllll, if I had to choose anyone it would have to be my beautiful Jesminda." Leigh Anne's sweet voice rang from the small speaker, sending a chill run down my spine. My beautiful jesminda. Excuse me? If anything I was the only one allowed to call her jesminda. Gritting my teeth I leaned back and watched Jesy cuddle into the other girl and playfully kiss her cheek.
Once the interviewer held the mic to Jesy I was already fuming and prayed for Jesy's sake that she was smart enough not to say anything flirty and just say pass.

"I honestly have to say if I could date anyone of these girls it would be my absolute favorite little princess Leigh Leigh!" Jesy sang before letting out a giggle and giving the other girl a few cheek kisses while wrapping her arms around her waist.

With that I had enough, throwing the bowl of candy towards the screen and ignoring the body guard Jesy had left behind I stalked off to find my girlfriend and remind her who exactly she belongs to.

Jesy's POV

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Jesy's POV

We made our way into the arena we were set to perform in and found our seats.

"Ma'am can I see your ticket? You can't cross that rope!" I heard a few different guards yelling after someone before I finally heard my name being called and sat up when I saw Ally running towards me at full force. I had to stand up just to keep her from knocking over myself and the girls.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked gently towards the shorter girl as she leaned to the side only to shoot death glares at Leigh who was innocently chewing on her lip.

"What's wrong?! Serious Jessica!" Ally shot back with a laugh before grabbing my hands noticing the scene we were making and dragged me towards the backstage area.

"Calm down love, I don't have time for this. The show's about to start.." I was cut off by Ally slamming her hand over my mouth.

"Jessica, shut up for once. I love that pretty mouth of yours but you don't seem to know how to control it. I know you have a thing for Leigh but honestly couldn't you of said that you'd only want to date me? Not suck Leigh's face during an interview. You're so disrespectful." Ally said while hissing slightly at anyone who looked over at us.

I watched her actions and then grabbed her arm when someone snapped a picture. "Excuse me? But you know I love you. You should have more respect for me and our relationship to trust me. That flirty shit with the girl's are for the fans. They eat it up. Now if you're going to act like a child I'm going to ask you to go because I don't have time to deal with you and your insane insecure moments Allyson. I thought we were two adults in a committed relationship. Don't make me change my mind." I grabbed her face, leaving a tiny kiss on her lips "But I've gotta go.."

Ally tried to pull me closer after I had pulled from the small kiss but the girl's had sent our bodyguard after us and he had already started calling my name. I knew if I wanted to keep Ally with us on tour I had to continue being professional, at least one of us had to.

"Jesminda if you walk away without finishing this conversation then we are over do you understand me!" I could hear Ally yell after me but I was already being pushed back out towards the seating area.

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