17. You're not the one that I want.♥

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//Shameless promo here but this will be like a past look at the relationship of Jesy x Dinah and I have a book of their relationship so you should totally go check it out. But no pressure. ;p\\

Jesy's POV

Leaning my legs on top of Dinah's I listened to the conversation between Perrie and Lauren, one of them was telling a joke but I couldn't be bothered with that nonsense when there was an angel in front of me. The moment my eyes met Dinah's my stomach flipped, my heart raced and I shit you not I could hear wedding bells. But my emotions were not received back but that might possibly be just because I was dating Ally, well not really dating but we kissed and shared some cuddles.

"Do I have something on my face?" Dinah let out a laugh before touching over her mouth and cheeks clearly feeling self-conscious about my long gazes.

"Absolutely not you're perfect."

Dinah sucked in a breath as my words filled the silence between us, letting out a laugh "Just kidding you've got some shit right here..." I picked up the cupcake I was picking at and shoved it against the taller girl's cheek before grinning.

"Omph, fuck you Nelson!" Dinah laughed, pushing me away from her playfully before leaning over and pressing her cheek against mine to share the mess I had made.

"Only if you insist.." I purred playfully in her ear before leaning back and catching the small pieces of cupcake crumbles in my hand.

Dinah stared back at me in shock before a small smile was produced from her lips and her gaze met mine, our eyes doing all the talking we would never be able to do.

"What's going on here?"

Snapping my gaze away from Dinah's I was met with chocolate brown orbs staring into my green eyes, giving the smaller girl a soft smile I allowed her to help me up.

"Hate to do it Dinah but I need to steal my girlfriend away and get her cleaned up for our lunch date, y'all can play later." Ally giggled and began to tug me towards the door of the hotel room. Casting a last glance at Dinah before following my girlfriend back to her hotel room my mind was racing with a million and one thoughts but all of them involved a beautiful blonde and it was not my girlfriend.


The girls had a show to do that night so we busied ourselves in their dressing room waiting for them to finish the show and join us. Staring up at the mirrored ceiling I huffed playfully when a weight was thrown on me and then a substance was pushed into my face.

"What the fuck!?" I recoiled and pushed the object away from my face before looking at my hands and seeing green, being the curious person I am, I pushed a finger into my mouth and shot daggers at the now laughing intruder.

"Jello, seriously?"

"Told you I'd get you back.." Dinah let out an even louder cackle before lifting herself off of me and holding her stomach as she was hit with another wave of laughter.

"I'm glad this is so amusing to you, now I'll have to shower again and the only plus side is maybe you can join me.."

Dinah fell silent once again.

"Why the fuck do you always do that jesminda?"

"Do what?"

"Make flirty comments, people are going to start to talk.."

"Oh, come on Dinah I'm just messing with you." I said lightly lifting myself off the couch and grabbing a towel to clean my face off.

Dinah gazed over at me before giving me a small nod "Can I ask you something?"

"Always babe."

"Why Ally? I mean she's amazing but why her? We were all single am I just not good enough for you?"


"Well uh.."

"I'm messing with you!" Dinah pushed me playfully before falling into a fit of laughter once again.

Tossing my towel over at her a little too harshly I grabbed onto her arm "Fucking hell Dinah can't you see that I'm head over heels for you? I have nothing but admiration for Ally but I fucking care so deeply for you Dinah! You're the one I want to be with why can't you see that?"

Dinah lowered her gaze to my arm then up to my eyes "You do?"

"Bloody hell Dinah Jane yes! Why do you think we're still here? I mean Ally is amazing but she's not who has my heart everyone can see it. I've liked you since day one but you always blew me off so I just moved my gaze over to Ally..."

Dinah leaned down and pressed her lips against mine.

Dinah fucking Jane was kissing me.

Pulling her closer to me, I pleaded with my hands to rest on her hips and my tongue to dance with hers. I could taste fireworks and see stars, everything was in place, my world just spun 200 times faster.

"What's going on here?"

The voices made us both jump away from each other before we were met with all the eyes of our bandmates, staring back at them I felt the judgment before I allowed myself to look over at Ally who wasn't too upset looking but she was always a happy girl.

"Fuck you Jesy but honestly we all knew.." Ally spoke softly before making her way over to Dinah and I and taking our hands "You guys are sinners and sinners belong together, she clasped mine and Dinah's hands together before stepping back and letting out a laugh.

Bless Ally, truly she's an amazing woman and I'll always love her.

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