21. She'll never know the boy was hers..♥

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Ally's POV

Watching the taller girl asleep next to me, I counted the seconds between each breath


Which means she's dead to the world asleep, her chest is rising and falling in beat with the alarm clock next to our bed.

If she had only looked a litte to the left while she was setting her alarm she'd see the goodbye letter I had written her this morning, a small part of me wished she had seen it earlier and I wouldn't be waiting to grab my bag and run.

Funny how things can change because of one action.

for example if we wouldn't of celebrated so hard after Jesy's band's album release a few months ago I wouldn't be a few pounds heavier and about to change both our lives. Now if only Jesy would wake up an meet my gaze and beg me to stay but she won't. She's always been a deep sleeper and that is a curse and a blessing altogether.

Present Day.

Jesy's POV

Running a shaking hand through my tangled hair, I smiled at the crowd of people outside the arena, we had been on a nonstop tour for the past year and a half and today was one of my off days, where I was exhausted beyond belief. But there was also something different in the air, we were in San Antonio, Texas. Allyson's hometown. Ally's home. Of course I had seen her on TV or briefly at award shows but she had seem to stay out of public eyes. Well as best as she could as a member of one of the hottest girl groups. It had been almost four years since she left me leaving only a note stating she wanted out of our relationship and if I loved her I would give her space.

Which I did. I just wish she would have given me an explanation for her leaving but that's the past and everything happens for a reason right?

"Come on Jessica, we're gonna be late!" Perrie laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me back towards the meet and greet area, breaking me from my thoughts but hopefully it was a good thing.

"Just one more kid, girls. Smile and play ball." On of our management execs spoke towards us before ushering a little boy in with a head full of curls who ran happily towards Jade and Perrie, quick to build up conversation.

Smiling over at him, I glanced over to the older couple who had came in with him, they looked familiar.

Fucking too familiar.

I'd seen them somewhere before, my mind just can't seem to process where, I'll figure it out eventually.

Looking down towards the smaller boy who was not tugging at my shirt and motioning for me to lean down, letting out a soft sigh I lowered myself down to his level and locked eyes with his.

Holy shit.

"We have the same eye color!" The boy let out a cheerful chirp before throwing his arms around my neck, in a full on embrace.

"Well aren't you the cutest thing, what's your name love?"

"Jessie! Like yours but with an ie!" He beamed happily before looking over at the older couple and giving them a thumbs up before finally moving onto Leigh Anne.

Time Jump.

Following the girl's out to the limo that was waiting outside the arena, I waved at a group of fans before a woman stood in front of me, sending both of us into a crashing fit before composing myself, I realized she was the woman from the meet and greet earlier with the little boy with the eyes.


Ally's mom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice raising in pitch as I scanned the area for the woman's daughter, my throat getting dry and hands shaking.

"You need to know something Jessica.." The older woman's voice trailed off as the kid from earlier came and flung his arms around her leg.

"Nana can we go home now? I miss mommy." He whined sleepily before meeting his gaze with mine and giving me a huge smile.

"Oh? He isn't yours? I just assumed..." I laughed and waved the thought away from my mind.

"He's my grandkid, but he's yours Jessica.."


He's yours.

Is it getting hot out here? Why is everything so loud? Am I breathing?

I'm dreaming.

/blah this will probably be a part 2. :p\

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