16.I'm not your fucking PR [part 2]

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Jesy rubbed her eyes as the camera's began to flash, her and the girls had just been in America for maybe five hours and she was already forced into a publicity stunt with Ally as the other girls trailed behind the two girls who were now hand in hand as paparazzi stormed around them forcing camera's into their faces. The Fifth Harmony girls seemed unfazed but Jesy kept shooting glances back at her mates, especially at Leigh Anne who never did well with paparazzi. Every once in a while Jesy would find herself stalling trying to make her way to the back of the group to grasp the taller girl's hand but Ally was persistent in keeping them at the front and as close to each other as possible.

Making their way into the club that they were supposedly doing PR for both of the girl's newest singles people seemed to part ways as the group of girls made their way to a private table as they took a seat, bottles seemed to be delivered to their table.

"Are you okay?" Ally asked, leaning into Jesy so she was now whispering into her ear, innocent enough but to everyone else, they saw Ally's hand on Jesy's inner thigh and lips brushing against her ear.

Jesy shivered slightly and looked around the table as the girls glanced over at them with knowing smirks as Leigh's eyes burned into hers, glancing down and being met with the cute cleavage produced from Ally's dress she gave a small nod and smiled "Yeah, I'm good. Just adjusting, it's been a while since I had to do something like this..."

"Let's dance!" Normani chirped happily pulling up all the girls off their seats before shooting a knowing smile at Jesy and Ally "Let's go Jelly!" She pulled Ally up who grabbed a tight hold on Jesy before pulling them towards the dance floor, both girls letting the supposed ship name burn into their brains in order to remember it for interviews and social media posts.

Jesy's POV

After a few songs and a whole lot of drinks I found myself not really bothered with the whole PR thing, Ally was beautiful and so easy to get along with, she had a presence of her that didn't make anything feel pressured and she always asked if it was okay before doing anything as if there was an unspoken rule of our little PR agreement.

"Hey, where's your mind at?" Ally's voice broke my train of thought as her arms wrapped around my middle, pulling herself closer to me in the small diner that we had all ended up at, there wasn't a paparazzi in sight so I figured our little 'jelly' moment was over but I didn't mind being close to her, it was nice.

"Just making mental notes to upload pictures of tonight, its tough shit being your fake girlfriend." I smiled and ran my hands through her blonde hair when she rested her head on my chest, I realized that there was in fact a paparazzi right outside the restaurant.

Explains why she was still being affectionate.

Of course the drinks could be the reason I'm beginning to like her?

"You did so good, I'm so proud of you!" Ally chirped up at me as a small flash went off from the camera's on the other side of the glass, after a few moments the guy outside was ushered away from the restaurant and Ally had pulled herself away from me with a last smile before following Lauren to the bathroom.

"Am I allowed to be your girlfriend now?" Leigh Anne asked, pouting over at me and playing with the 'Lesy' necklace some fans have given us a while back, I now had the small charm on my bracelet as to keep it safe but had decided against wearing it for the PR crap.

"Oh, you're my girlfriend now? That's not what you said last time.." I mused reaching under the table and lacing my fingers with hers, the first thing I knew about PR was that you could never let yourself slip up, anyone could notice me with Leigh and this whole thing would blow up before we even got a joint tour out of it.

"I'm always going to be your girlfriend.." Leigh said in a sing song voice before moving my hand to rest on her thigh for the rest of our late night snack.


"So what do you really think of Ally?" Leigh asked me later on that night as we laid in our shared hotel room, my head resting against her breast as we came down from our orgasmic high.

"Hm, she seems really sweet and she's gorgeous..this could be a really good thing for us.." I mumbled before looking up at Leigh who pulled a piece of my hair.

"So you don't like her as anything more than just this whole PR thing right?" Her voice was soft but her movements in my hair were tense.

Wincing slightly as the knot that Leigh was surely making, I raked my nails against her side "Of course not, she's great but I mean I'm your girl. No amount of fake dates or forced intimacy will ever change that."

Leigh moved her hand from my hair and grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at her "Just tell me I have nothing to worry about? That all the rumors and pictures coming out will be false."

Grasping a hold of her hand, moving it to my lips to kiss her fingers with every word "You absolutely have nothing to worry about, my love is already spoken for. This jelly thing will never be able to compete with lesy. You and I are endgame babe."

Leigh let out a small laugh before leaning down and kissing my lips gently "Better be, before I kick your booty all the way back to where we came from Nelson."

Smiling into the kiss, I couldn't help but close my eyes and enjoy the warmth of the kiss, the comfort of the position and the calmness of our heartbeats. The moment would be perfect if only the face in my mind belonged to the lips I was kissing, instead they belonged to a very cute and tiny blonde.

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