1O.Her hands felt like thunder on my skin (Part two)

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Ally's POV

"How many times Ally?"

Shrugging my shoulders I looked up at the three girls standing above me as wiped a tear from my cheek.

"How many fucking times Ally?" Lauren asked again rubbing her forehead and kneeling down next to me on the floor.

"Once or twice.." I mumbled and leaned my head back against the wall "Not too often and only when she's drunk."

"That's no excuse Als, she assaulted you and that's not love." Lauren spoke softly and brushed my hair out of my face.

"I should've beating her ass even more than I had already. She was fucking smirking at me the whole time.." Dinah growled slightly and kicked at the wall.

Normani shot Dinah a look before kneeling back down towards me "You need to file a restraining order against her Ally and tell your parents."

"No! She didn't mean it, she loves me y'all. She's just lonely here and I haven't been spending time with her. We're good guys, I promise." I rubbed my eyes and curled more up into a ball than I already was in.

I wanted her.

I needed her.

At that very moment she was all my body and heart was craving.

"Bullshit Ally, If she loved you she wouldn't of dreamed of ever laying a hand on you. If she was lonely she could've gone to rehearsals with you but she didn't. You say she goes out every night and does who knows what with whomever she can find. You don't deserve that, she doesn't respect you babes." Lauren said, grabbing my cheeks to focus my eyes on her "You either send her ass back to the UK or we're calling the police."

"You don't know her like I do..she's my everything guys..please don't tell anyone it could ruin her career and I don't want her mad at me.." My voice kept breaking and I cursed myself for being so weak when it came to these girls.

Dinah shook her head slowly "No Ally, we've seen the bruises that she's supposedly gave you during sex but we're not stupid. She has this control over you and we can't make the decision for you but we can call the police and we can tell management and blow this out of proportion and yes it may end her career but who knows maybe not. So if you love her as much as you say you do you're going to call her up and ask her to pack her stuff and go home. You guys need space and she needs help."

"If you won't do it for yourself, do it for Jesy.." Normani said pleading with me. "We'll stay downstairs while she's here."

I nodded my head slowly and got my phone, calling Jesy.

- I might make this story into a book, who knows? :p-

Jesy & Ally imagines. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora