07. Her hands felt like thunder on my skin.❤️

610 18 4

I really didn't want to do this prompt because it may cause triggers for some people but it's been requested a few amount of times and I figured I might as well do so.
Explicit content. Language, Violence and mild smut.

Ally's POV

Jesy's been weird since her tour ended, I figured with both of being in the same place we'd finally be able to be a normal couple, having lazy days and rather sexual nights and for the first few weeks that's exactly what we had. But then she started wanting to go home once her bandmates left back to the U.K. I encouraged her to go back and visit that I was fine in LA because my girls were with me but she didn't seem to want to leave me alone.

Things were going fine until my schedule started to pick up and Jesy had to find things to do to kill time while I was away and ironically those things either included alcohol or a bunch of random girls that always ended up on her insta or following her back home. Waking me up at all hours of the night with her banging on the front door and multiple screams and laughs from the groupies she dragged along.

4:45 AM
Rubbing my eyes I looked over at the clock and then back over towards the left side of the bed Jesy's side was empty again. Clutching the blanket closer to myself I wiggled a bit impatiently while the bedroom door was being opened, she had managed to get herself into the house and up the stairs on her own maybe she was productive for once and not pissing herself drunk.

Squinting at the now bright room I couldn't help but cover my nose, Jesy smelled like every kind of booze and cheap perfume you could think of but even at that she had something different about her the way she stood at the doorway with her hip popped out and a scowl on her face.

Wiggling out of bed I made my way over to her trying to stand taller than my 4'11 height would actually allow me "Where have you been Jessica? Have you heard of a phone call, I've been worri-" My words were cut off by a hard kiss Jesy had pressed against my lips, allowing her access to the inside of my mouth I had to pull away before barfing I've never tasted the inside of an old gym shoe but I'm sure Jesy's mouth came close to it.

"Stop it, you taste disgusting and I asked you a question." I stepped a few inches away from her and gazed up waiting for a proper response. 

"Oh fuck off, I was out with friends." Jesy said slurring her words as usually and closing the gap between us "Now come on give your mami some sugar." She lifted me off my feet with a quick motion and before I could even comprehend what was happening her mouth was attached to my neck and hands were already groping my bare chest.

Letting soft moans fall out of my lips as Jesy left teeth marks on the exposed areas of my neck and chest I started to loose all the frustration I had inside me until I felt my back hit the mattress rather roughly and Jesy's weight pinning me down to it.
"Jessica no, seriously your drinking is getting an issue." I started to push against her trying to sit up or get a inch of distance from us.

Jesy looked up to meet my gaze and her normal green eyes were masked with a darker shade, almost black as she grabbed my wrist, holding them down to my sides "Eh, how bout you just lay there and let me enjoy you instead of always bitching like you do, sound good?" She gripped my wrist tighter as her mouth made it's way to my nipple and thigh pushing my legs apart.

"Hmmph, it's not bitching if I have to worry about my drunk girlfriend out at all times of night doing what or who knows what." I hissed, using every inch of muscle I had to push her off of me. What I didn't realize that I might've pushed too hard as she fell off the edge of the bed, landing with a soft thump. Gasping loudly I sat up quickly "Baby, I'm sorry!"

Jesy got up in a quick motion and before I knew it she was on top of me once again but this time she wasn't looking for sexual favors her hands were smacking against my cheeks and any piece of my body she could reach "Maybe I wouldn't have to go out all the time if I wasn't left at home all day like a fucking dog.  I'm missing my family and friends for you! And all you care about is running off with your fucking little band. I could go out and find any other slut to fuck but I bring my happy ass home to you and your boring pussy." She spat out the last part before finally striking me hard enough forcing me to let out a loud yelp.

"Jessica get off please!" I managed to cry out and moving my hands to cover my face as I felt the weight of the other girl being lifted off me and then a loud thump against the wall, wiping my eyes quickly I just saw glimpses of Dinah pushing Jesy against the wall and Lauren yelling out a few curse words in Spanish as Mani came over to me and touching the bumps that Jesy had already managed to leave, I felt something cold run down my cheek it was probably blood from her rings and nails.

"Don't, she's drunk!" I whimpered loudly as Dinah and Jesy started getting into it themselves, casting a glance back towards the girls before mani pushed me into the bathroom I could see Jesy already sobering up and letting her guard down. Biting my lip before Mani closed the door I let out a soft sob.

   Maybe this will be two parts? I'm not sure we'll see guys sorry for taking forever to update 😊❤️

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