12. You and Tequila make me crazy, run like poison in my blood.♥

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First off, holy crap guys thank you so much for 1K reads! I literally never expected anyone to read my stories and I'm so thankful!

So since all my other stories are drama filled and you guys have been so amazing and patient with my updates, I decided to write just a drunk Ally x protective Jesy chapter because those are always fun. :p

Jesy's POV

We've got two weeks off tour and bless Ally for dragging me off the couch and forcing me onto a vacation to a beach town a little south of her hometown. Since I didn't want to be in the UK while off of tour and Ally couldn't just leave the country whenever she wanted since she had promotion for her new single we decided that a little beach town was basically paradise for us and with any luck absolutely nobody will recognize us.

"Jessicaaaaaa" Ally's voice whined in my ear as she nudged my body with her own in an attempt to wake me up from the nap I was trying to take. After two hours in the car with Ally who insisted that I couldn't drive because I would drive on the wrong side of the road yet she flinched whenever a car came close to her so you could imagine the speed she was going at to make the two hour drive turn into a five hour one. After that long in a car with Ally singing along to every song and screaming whenever an 18 wheeler came near us you would need a nap too.

With a playful grunt I rolled over and captured the smaller girl in my arms "Is this some kind of weird foreplay thing you're doing because I'm so game.." I mumbled leaning in to kiss her but was met with a face full of pillow as she wiggled out of my grasp and bounced off the bed and threw my shoes back at me.

How did someone so tiny have so much fucking energy?

"Let's go Jesy! There's water to play in and food to eat and alcohol to drink!" Ally beamed happily as I slipped on my converse and just nodded along with every word she said, I knew for a fact there was no use in objecting I was way too in love with this woman to ever tell her no, it was quite pathetic really.

"Alright, I'm ready come on." I grasped a hold of Ally's hand just in time to be pulled out of the hotel room and before you knew it we were on a beach with a bunch of college students who get gawking and throwing beers at one another.

Oh fuck, spring break. I thought this thing was a myth in movies for frat boys to get piss drunk.

Meeting Ally's pleading eyes I offered her a smile and watched as she bounced over to a group of girls and got two shots of tequila along with beers and handed me one of each.

"Well here's to Allysin coming out to play." I grinned at her before downing the shot and cracking open the beer straight after, if I was going to be a good sport I needed to get a head start on drinking.


After what felt like hours on that sticky beach the sun started to go down and a cool breeze had found it's way towards us, cooling down the sunburn I was obviously getting. I had been in a serious conversation with two guys, comparing tattoos and shot gunning beers.

Maybe in another life I was supposed to be a frat boy?

"Jesyyyyy!" Ally's high pitched scream rang in the air and as quickly as I got comfortable I realized that she wasn't in my sight nor had she been for the past hour. Jumping off the back of the truck I was sitting on, my eyes scanned the beach as I tried to figure out where Ally's voice came from until she yelled once more for me. Running towards her voice and shoving just about anyone who got in my way, I almost stumbled over my own feet

"Guys! That's her! That's my wifey!" Ally's drunken voice rang in the air as she pointed towards me and bounced up and down. Usually I would love the view of her being so happy and cutely drunk except there was a problem she was topless and not cutely drunk rather shit faced drunk.

Sucking in a deep breath, I climbed onto the back of the truck and quickly wrapped my arms around the smaller girl "Where the fuck is your shirt?"

Now let me warn you, I never get mad at Ally. I wasn't mad at her now just slightly embarrassed, sure we were in a small town but these kid had camera phones and I was sure that any of them would sell any picture of Ally for a small price to the media.

"I traded it for this! I wanted to share it with you because you're my baaaaaby!" Ally squealed excitedly as she held up a half empty bottle of tequila and hugged it close to her chest.

Even pissed drunk she was still cute as fuck.

Rubbing my forehead, I quickly pulled off my own top and slipped it on Ally before helping her off the back of the truck and wrapping my arm tighter around her waist before, pushing my way through the crowd of kids staring and yelling.

"Damn baby, why you rushing off? Why don't you and your slut give us a show?" A taller guy shouted after me before grabbing my arm to stop me. "I mean unless you want your wife to appear topless everywhere?" He grinned and puffed out his chest in an attempt to show off to his friends.

Without missing a beat I turned quickly and connected my fist to his face causing him to fall back and Ally to scream and cling to my side. Glaring at the people who were now staring I arched an eyebrow and met their gazes "Now I'd appreciate if you all deleted any pictures or videos you have of Ally tonight unless you want to end up like your friend here." I motioned to the now bloody guy who was too busy clutching his nose and cursing at me to say or do anything.

As soon I was sure that the majority of the pictures were deleted, I picked up the now somber Ally and made my way back to the hotel room as she sang some tequila song and sprinkled kisses on my face.

Little did either one of us knew, we'd be getting calls from management and be talked about in magazines and gossip sites for days after our little trip.

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