O6. Wedding rings & KCA's.♥

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 Jesy's POV

Today was finally the day of the kid's choice awards and as pumped as I was for our performance I was more excited to see my wife, technically I hadn't seen her in over a month since our tour schedules had gotten too hectic and to put it nicely I was an absolute horny mess.

The orange carpet went smoothly, we all seemed to hit the right marks and the interview part went well we were only asked about tour and since this was technically a kid show nobody asked about me and Ally. Speaking of Ally, I knew her band was nominated by as far as I could see they didn't walk the carpet and weren't sitting down in the seats.

"Babe, focus." Jade laughed and touched my cheek as my eyes kept scanning the room every opportunity I got which was often since we were hardly the main focus. Smiling apologetically I nodded and focused my attention back to what was happening on stage.


After bouncing off the stage with the girl's following our performance I couldn't help but notice they all seemed to be walking quicker than usual and I could hear screaming and giggling down the hall before I even reached the dressing room. "You're not mine!" I heard a familiar voice laugh as I took off running to the room and flinging myself towards the shorter Latina, not caring that my weight knocked us over and my sweater was probably flipped up over my ass to which a thankful breeze was now hitting exposed skin.  

"Hmph baby girl!" Ally laughed once my body was fully rested on top of hers and her arms were wrapped tightly around me before meeting my gaze and capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. My lips were quick to respond as my tongue pushed it's way into her mouth, fighting for dominance and just trying to taste every part of her mouth.

"Girls....family show." Perrie cleared her throat loudly as Ally and I pulled away clearly forgetting about the seven other girls standing above us, blushing I helped Ally to her feet and apologized to the other girls.

The conversation between everyone flowed easily as lately we all got along better, I played with Ally's hand carelessly as the girls raved about our performance. We were allowed to hang backstage since Fifth Harmony weren't nominated till the end of the show, listening to the conversation I stuck three of Ally's fingers in my mouth and sucked while my eyes scanned the room.

"Gross baba." Ally laughed and pulled her fingers out of my mouth, wiping them on her dress. Blushing I met her gaze as she leaned into me "Those fingers will be wet enough tonight"  she winked and pressed a kiss onto my shoulder.

Grabbing her hand, I laced our fingers, feeling the coldness of her rings against my skin it felt nice and right. I loved being married, it was basically getting to live with your best friend and just love on each other all the time, simply forever. My thoughts were soon cancelled as my fingers swept over her ring finger which was bare. Looking down at our hands "Where's your ring love?"

"Oh shit.." Dinah snorted before quickly covering up with a cough when Ally shot her a death glare. "Oh, you know management want us all to appear single so I haven't really been wearing it on tour." She laughed and shook her head as if it was no big deal. "Don't worry about it baby it's at home in San Antonio and it's just a piece of jewelry right? Let's not be dramatic."

The room fell silent as the tension filled the room. "Jessica..don't." Leigh spoke softly but I quickly cut her off "Can everyone leave the room, I need to talk to Allyson." Looking up at the girl's that had yet to move "Right fucking now!" I hissed as one by one everyone quickly walked out.

[This one will be two parts simply because the next part will be smut. ♥] 

Jesy & Ally imagines. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant