22. I'm going to make you miss me.♥

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| Shameless promo of a brief chapter for my Dinah x Jesy x Ally story that didn't quite fit that storyline but I don't want to lose it so like go read that story. :p |

Dinah's POV

Laying back on the bed of the hotel room, I took a sip of the hot tea Jesy had left for me for after my performance since I wasn't feeling the best and she clearly knew. Doing the James Corden show was always a blast but for once I just wanted to be cuddled up to my girlfriend with some boring movie on the TV and roaming hands but just like whenever all us girls got together Jesy was no where in sight but more than likely a few drinks already in. Reaching across the table to check my phone it was already well past midnight and I had absolutely no notifications from Jesy but a few texts from Mani.

From Manibear:

DJ, you need to come get your chick NOW.

You know who is making moves again.

Too friendly crossed the line hours ago.


Gonna make me fight your battles again?

Feeling my face get hot and it wasn't from the slight fever I was soon getting, I threw the blankets off of me and opened up the shared suitcases of Jesy and I, grabbing one of her ripped band shirts and throwing it over the silk black boy shorts I had on. I slipped on the ankle boots from the performance earlier and walked down to the bar in the lobby, I could really give two shits about how I looked considering I was only focused on two things, getting my girl back to our room and confronting one of my best friends about her flirting and touching of my girlfriend.

Smiling shyly at the bouncer who was quick to ask for m ID before allowing me to pass by because of my lack of clothing, I followed the familiar laugh of my girlfriend, looking between the crowds of people until I found the familiar silhouette curves of her body and let out a soft grunt when a smaller silhouette was somehow attached to hers.

"Come on Jessss, she's upstairs plus this wouldn't be the first time.." Ally leaned up to Jesy's ear amd breathed the last words into it before nibbling on her earlobe. Pressing her body against the taller girl's and grinning softly.

Jesy's laugh just got higher which was a clear indication that she was intoxicate, she peered down at the shorter girl and dragged a finger against her lips before leaning down and pressing hers against them.

Oh fuck, that's enough.

Pushing past Ty and Lauren, causing both of them to spill their drinks and sputter out some curse words those idiots were the least of my worries, grabbing the back of Ally's hair and tugging her away from my girlfriend rather roughly, I wasted no time in letting my hand come in contact with her cheek and rather harshly.

"Dinah! What the heck?" Ally's face turned red as her eyes watered as she rubbed her cheek where my hand was sure to leave a mark.

"What part of leave my girlfriend the fuck alone do you not understand Ally? You're my best friend!"

"She wanted me first, you were just her second choice!" Ally let out a laugh as she suddenly gained her confidence back and looked over at Jesy who was soon sobering up and piecing together what was happening.

"Yo Ally, shut the fuck up." Jesy suddenly spoke and moved over to the space between us, letting her gaze linger on Ally before back to me.

"Oh, look who's sobering up.."Mani stated appearing behind me and resting a hand on my shoulder before I shrugged it off and looked from Ally to Jesy to the people at the bar who were now appreciating the show.

Sucking on my lower lip, I grabbed onto Jesy's hand pulling her away from the crowd of people, away from the bar and into the elevator before turning to look over at her, her eyes were bloodshot and her composure was less than perfect but I knew she was thinking of a million things, it was the way she watched me, the way her breath seemed to go in as mine came out.

"Dinah.." She finally breathed out and closed the space between us bringing both her hands to cut my cheeks as her green orbs burned into mine, staring me down until I allowed myself to vibe my energy with hers.

"I was your second choice?" I heard my voice waver and kicked my foot against the other hating myself a little for being so weak because of a girl.

"Love, you knew I liked Ally in the very beginning when Simon made us all hang out but she wasn't interested but I did not choose you second. You can ask any of the girls I was always drawn to you, your presence, your laughter, your smile and fuck your body. Every aspect of you brought me to life but I never thought I had a chance with you so I let my eyes wander over Ally and stay there so technically Ally was my second choice but you were always my first one even if I never told you."

Letting a smile fall across my lips I quickly bit down on my lower one "You need to prove that to me, enough with the flirting with Ally, enough with the sorry babe I was drunk. I'm your girl. I'm the owner of your body, your lips and your heart so you better shape the fuck up before I.."

"Before you what?" Jesy dropped her hands from my cheeks as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"Before I make you miss me.."I pressed my lips near her mouth before backing up out of the elevator and giving her a view of my boyshorts that were now riding up my ass and at my legs that she loved to get lost in.

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