O2. Something about a girl in a red dress. ❤ {smut}

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Ally's POV

I pulled on the fabric of my dress, it was ridiculously short and with every move it seemed to fold up higher on my thigh or one of my boobs would pop out

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I pulled on the fabric of my dress, it was ridiculously short and with every move it seemed to fold up higher on my thigh or one of my boobs would pop out. We were pushed so tightly together on the couch that we were being interviewed on and whenever one of the other girls would move it would just cause my dress to even move up more. At one point Dinah had to tell me to pull down my skirt because it was causing a distraction. Casting my eyes towards the edge of set I could see Jesy motioning at me and then pulling at her own skirt, indicating for me to pull it down. She was getting frustrated but it was fun to watch her squirm.  She was only off of tour rehearsals for today and has been rather horny as fuck.

** after interview*

I climbed into my bunk as the rest of the girls including Jesy gathered around the small kitchen area to snack on pizza and whatever else Will brought us. I wasn't hungry at least not for food at the moment. Unzipping the back of my dress, I slid it off before closing my curtain and tossing my it out hoping that it was catch a certain girl's attention.

After a few moments I felt someone climb into the bunk with me and grinned when I felt a familiar set of lips press their way up from my ankles to my thighs, Jesy wasted no time in removing my underwear instead she opted for moving them to the side and plunging her tongue deep inside me "Oomph!" I squeaked as her tongue traced shapes and letters.

"Jes.." I managed to moan out as she continued to explore my insides with her tongue as her nose pressed against my clit at a messy pace. I could hear the girl's walking back and forth passing my bunk so I tried to keep my moans quiet and far apart.

Jesy let out a loud growl before ripping the side of my underwear, tossing them out of the bunk before burying her face between my legs, moving her tongue at a faster speed, biting and pulling against my swollen lips. "Fuck, Jesminda! I'm gonna cum baby." Loud moans escaped my lips as my hands gripped her hair.

Throwing my head back I grabbed chunks of her hair pulling at it roughly every time I felt like cumming but with every pull Jesy would just push her tongue deeper and bite down harder. God the things this girl was capable of. "Jessica!" I let out a loud moan as her tongue seemed to roll a few times inside me sending me off the edge. I couldn't care less about the sounds escaping my mouth or how loud they were. All I could hear were the soft moans Jesy allowed to escape her mouth as I squirted into her mouth a few times my hips bucking violently almost knocking into her a bit too roughly.

"Mm.." Jesy said softly before peeking her head up from between my legs, her mouth and chin were glistened with my juices and her once perfect curls were now a knotted mess on top of her head but coming down from my high she looked like an angel a cum covered angel.

"Gimme a taste!" I whined and pulled her face up to plant a deep kiss against her lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth and swirling it around tasting myself on her before the kiss could get any deeper I was smacked in my face with something. My dress.

"Told ya you'd get laid in this dress! You're welcome." Dinah laughed as she quickly ran from the bunk as I blushed and closed the curtain.

{ Jesus this was baaaad. 😂}

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