11. I don't want to be that girl with your wife. ♥

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[ In this one Jesy and Dinah are married meanwhile Ally and Jesy are sleeping together. xxx

Slight smut.

Jesy GIP]

Ally's POV

They seem to be everywhere now and days together, I can't seem to escape them and for some idiotic reason I agreed to share a room with them at the hotel we're all staying at before our Today show performance.

Good job Ally, you might as well of told Dinah you fucked her wife when she was out of the room.

"Baaaaabe!" Dinah's voice rang from the bed near mine as Jesy walked out of the bathroom and raised an eyebrow at her wife before answering back in that beautiful accent I adored.

Oh fuck off Dinah, she doesn't even enjoy being called that.

Jesy gave me a small smile as she climbed onto the bed to oblige and give Dinah the cuddles she was "desperately" needing.

Rolling over on my own bed, I shut my eyes and tried to ignore the whispers and faint giggles coming from Jesy and Dinah's bed. Slowly and thankfully falling asleep soon after.

- A few hours later. -

Feeling the bed next to me dip down and then a familiar figure press themselves against my body, I fauxed a yawn before turning over and being met with green orbs that made my heart skip a beat, lifting my head slightly I peeked over Jesy's shoulder and noticed Dinah was missing.

"Where's Dinah?" I whispered in case she was in the bathroom or the balcony. I was the more responsible one in this affair or whatever you called it, Jesy was always the one leaving clues and marks all over me just waiting to get caught.

"Went to the pool with Lauren and Mani." Jesy mumbled before attacking my neck with her teeth and tongue.

"Mm..for how long?" I asked, turning over and running my hand up her stomach and back down to the waistband of her shorts not wasting anytime before I pushed them down and her ten inch sprang to life in front of me, groaning slightly it had only been two days since I had been fucked by Jesy but that was far too long for my liking.

"Not long enough probably so let's get to it." Jesy laughed and lifted the bottom of my shirt to expose nothing underneath, she licked her lips, admiring my body before pressing her lips against mine in a desperate kiss, not wasting time to explore the inside of my mouth with her own tongue.

Running my hand to rest on the back of Jesy's neck, I lifted myself onto of her and brought her erection into my entrance before slamming my hips down against her which granted me a low moan from Jesy who instantly moved her hands to my hips, squeezing as she guided my hips into a circle motion that she always seemed to favor.

"Fuck, Allyson. You're so tight.." Jesy growled as she bucked her hips up into mine at a faster speed which caused the mattress to squeak underneath us. You can imagine the motions we were going in for us not to notice the front door open and the shower turning on.

"Jesy! Come shower with meeee." Dinah yelled from the bathroom which caused both of us to snap out of the arousal bliss we were in and quickly pull away from each other and Jesy quickly made her way back to her own bed right before Dinah bounced into the room in just a sports bra and matching thong.

Jesy's breath hitched in her throat and I could notice her trying to palm between her legs since her erection was still up at full attention. She eyed Dinah with such intensity that it made my eyes burn

Duh Ally, she's her wife.

Dinah gave Jesy a smirk once she realized what was happening to the brunette and crawled onto the bed and stopped in front of Jesy, lifting her ass in the air and wiggling which caused Jesy to give it a rough smack.

"Let your princess take care of that daddy." Dinah purred and grabbed Jesy's hand before leading her into the bathroom.

Laying back on my own bed, I stared up at the ceiling and squeezed my eyes shut willing myself not to cry. Dinah wasn't the bad guy here, I was. Dinah wasn't the one fucking someone else's wife, I was.

"Ally?" Dinah's voice broke my thoughts as I sat up quickly and offered her a quick smile.

"Yeah Dinah, what's up?"

Dinah made her way closer to the bed and eyed me carefully "I'm telling you this once and after this I never want to even see you alone in the same room as Jesminda."

Jesminda?! That's my name for her.

Gulping and staring up at the taller girl who's gaze never broke mine I willed myself to keep my mouth shut.

"Jesy picked me to be her wife, she's mine and I'm hers. End of story. Stop fucking her because that's my job and trust me babe, there's no complaining coming from her. I'm not stupid, I know what you two have been doing but that won't be happening anymore unless you want me to quit the band and take Jesy far away from you. So find your own wife and stop chasing mine because I'm going to give her a baby and a future. Not you. Is that understood?" Dinah grinned at me before rushing back into the bathroom and shutting the door wasting no time before another body hit the door and Dinah's high moans followed by Jesy's low ones filled the room.

Wiping my eyes, I quickly gathered my things and rushed out of the room, running till I made it into the elevator before falling against the wall and letting the tears fall.

I just lost my best friend and love of my life at the same time.

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