24. Dishes smashed on the counter.

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                      Unedited. Not finished. Rambles of words.

Dishes smashed on the counter from our last encounter.

Ally's POV.

With shaking hands I watched as the taller woman sipped her glass of brown liquid, every so often she would bite down on a piece of ice and it felt as though she was hitting my skull with a hammer. Watching her tongue swipe across her lips as she let out a soft "Mm.." probably enjoying the strong alcoholic drink more than the amount of times my juices was the glow on her lips.

"For fucks sake Jessica say something!" My voice broke before the sentence had left my lips, my whole body was shaking; my wife let out the strangest laugh almost bitter filled with venom.

"What do you want me to say Allyson? I was unfaithful to you and you caught me." Jesy's green eyes were a hunter green color that seemed to burn into mine; urging me to sink down to her level.

"I want you to say you're sorry, to say you'd never do it again and that you're still in love with me."

Jesy let out a scoff "I do love you, I always will but I'm not in love with you anymore. We're too different and the negatives are kicking our positives in the face but I'm not sorry for fucking Dinah; I enjoyed it."

Letting out a soft cry I reached across the table and grabbed the small tumblr of alcohol and tossed the cold liquid onto her face before sending the glass against the wall; watching the pieces fall onto the counter almost like the snow outside.

"What the fuck Ally!" Jesy's voice broke my thoughts as her hands grabbed onto my wrist causing me to look at her.

"Excuse me? You don't get to yell at me when you ruined our marriage!" I screamed back at the taller woman pulling myself away from her. "Out of everyone you had to screw one of my best friends? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you seriously that messed up inside Jessica that you need to damage everything and everyone that's good for you?"

Jesy's face fell onto a blank look as she stumbled back slightly picking up the plate that she was eating off of and flinging it straight at me.
Jesus Christ she was completely out of her mind.

"Don't you dare say that I'm damaged or there's something wrong with me when I've given up so much to be with you and you've never even said thank you! I left my friends, my family, my home and my life to be with you and you've never even said thank you."

"That's all you want? A thank you?" I let out a small snicker and watched as Jesy's chest rose and fell out of anger.

"If anything you should tell me thank you for loving you so hard, for being your biggest fan and for putting you above and beyond anyone else. You selfish brat." I sunk my teeth into my tongue as the last words fell from my mouth if anything things were about to turn into war.

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