Chapter 2

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Chapter 2)

"Phew!" I catch my breath and pad slowly into the room, the strong smell of varnish hits me like a freight train and I breathe in a lungful of luscious air through my nose; cataloging the smell in the same place in my brain as freshly cut grass and baking bread.

My eyes focus on the sunshine coming through the windows in great beams of dust. I always forget how beautiful this room is.

I take the time to look around and appreciate having the chance to be alone in here for the first time ever. For a sickeningly geeky history buff like me this is heaven.

I love everything about it - the red carpet, the comfy looking leather chairs worn by its previous users and a graceful balcony that displays another level of books running the entire length of the room in its vastness. There are countless first editions on display on both sides of the room and exquisite lamps to read by, which are obviously a recent edition to the decor but lovely none the less. The leather chairs look worn but well-kept and I get the sudden urge to sit in one, but I hold back knowing that I don't have long up here. There are freshly cut flowers displayed in several elegant crystal vases and I pad over to one before leaning over and inhaling deeply. I sigh in contentment and stand straight again and continue my journey through the room.

Slowly I make my way toward the other end and that's when I spot the table with three dusty and ancient looking books enclosed in a plain glass cabinet. God they're beautiful, old, but beautiful to me. I spot a pair of white gloves to the side of the case and put them on without a second thought, no one will ever have to know I've had a quick peek.

I lift the lid of the glass case, feeling the spike of adrenalin rush through me and my heart beat faster in anticipation. I gingerly pick the first book up and hold it in my hands; a thrill runs through me at the thought of touching a piece of history and I turn the first page eager to dive into it. Sure enough it's a ledger recording animal births, crop numbers, kitchen hands employment and a number of other equally strange and fascinating things. The pages are so delicate between my fingers I'm afraid they'll disintegrate at the slightest touch so make a concerted effort to be gentle in my enthusiasm. The writing is faded but I can see enough to know that whoever wrote this was very artistic and cared a great deal about recording this information. It makes this all the more thrilling, god I need to get out more.

I notice a record of a marriage between a kitchen maid and a captain of the guard from 1292 and try to imagine the ceremony they would have had here and how they would have celebrated it. Still working and serving the Earl I would expect! "No rest for the wicked" I murmur to myself and chuckle.

I reluctantly put the book back in its holder, eager to move onto the second when something catches my eye. I notice the third book and its beautiful coverings shimmering in the sun. It looks as if it's glowing, but i know that's ridiculous and it must just be a trick of the light or my eyes - one of the two. I hesitate for just a second, my fingers tingling with a sensation I can't place - excitement, nerves...a weird sense of certainty? I look around the room - no one else is here, I'm completely and utterly alone... so why do I feel like I have company all of a sudden?

The temperature in the room has plummeted and the hairs on my arms and neck are standing to attention like tiny soldiers answering a silent command. I stand still, suspended in time, wondering what's going on...I can't explain it but I feel as though a huge decision is being presented to me and whatever I decide will have huge repercussions, but not only for me.

My mind wanders to Gracie and my family for a split second and their faces fall through my mind's eye like dominoes toppling.

My hand twitches and begins to move towards the book with a mind of its own and before I know what's happening the room explodes and shatters into a million pieces, obliterating the peaceful day and sending me flying.

The room spins around me so fast I can't see anything but disorientating blurs, colours merge into colours like the inside of a kaleidoscope. I'm falling from a great height scared to hit the ground. I'm screaming but the noise is somehow lodged in my throat. The whirling and twirling gets faster and faster making me feel nauseous. I'm near to fainting; my vision is going, the overpowering noise becoming a crescendo, threatening to burst my ear drums as I start to black out.

My heartbeat is throbbing violently in my ears. I'm dying – that's what this is, my body is giving up.

Just as i think I can't take anymore the appealing blackness takes me under its wing and I gratefully give myself over to it, surrendering myself to its will.

The Accidental Countess (Forever His Series Book one)Where stories live. Discover now