Chapter 13 - Maxwell POV

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I rub my eyes in exhaustion from a long day of riding, my whole body aches with the weight of my armour and the men are all fatigued.

We reach the walls of London as the sun is setting and I dismiss them for the night to attend to my business with the King.

I dismount and run my fingers down Tybalt's soft nose, pressing my forehead to his. This beautiful horse has been by my side since the very beginning, I still remember the day that father presented him to me as a gift for my birthday.

I was becoming a man he said...and a man always has a horse worthy of his station.

I smile at the memory and feel a momentary stab of grief at my father's passing.

"Do you remember that day Boy?" I say patting his neck affectionately. "We were younger then, and I daresay more handsome."

Tybalt huffs and shakes his mane spiritedly.

"Alright, alright" I say laughing. "Mayhap I should speak for myself hmm?"

I see movement from the corner of my eye and my sword is drawn in a flash as I whirl around in preparation to fight.
My whole body is primed and ready for battle, but in front of me is a small boy looking thoroughly shocked at my reaction to him.

I smirk and sheath my sword handing him Tybalt's reins.

"Ensure my horse is fed and watered boy" and he shuffles forward taking them from me tentatively.

I get a good look at the boy and see that he is severely under nourished. I reach into my pockets and hand him a few coins "And then take this and get yourself a hot meal."

He stares at me dumbstruck and breaks into a wide grin. "Yes sir!" he says and marches off at double speed leaving me chuckling.


"Bring us two jugs of Mead! I intend to celebrate the arrival of my guest"

"Yes, your Majesty" bows the servant and he retreats to fetch the drinks.

"So Maxwell, Tell me, how is Arundel these days?"

"Good, thank you your majesty. Although I daresay not as stimulating as London"

"Hahaha, Yes surely."

We sit at the head table in the grand Palace surrounded by opulence the likes of which most have never seen or will ever see.
I rub my sore knee and take a swig of the newly delivered Mead quenching my thirst.

"And what of Lady Alice?" and with that one question I know the reason for my impromptu summons; the mere mention of her makes me feel sick to the stomach but I don't let it show.

"She is well your Majesty. She is currently residing within my home as my guest."

"Of course, of course" he smirks and pats me on the back as he rises to pace in front of the fire. "Although, I'm afraid I must make use of her all too soon."

I turn to look at him puzzled wandering what he means.

"As you know the Welsh are creating a lot of problems for me, and I require more men and funds to be guaranteed to me, to safeguard the realm in the event of a war with our neighbours."

I nod trying to comprehend his intentions.

"What would you have me do your Majesty?"

"Oh I don't need your services for now Maxwell. But I do require the Lady Alice to return to her home country for the time being to ensure her father remembers to keep his word. And the implications if he were to forget our arrangement"

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