Chapter 10

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Dear readers,

This chapter contains subject matter that may be triggers for some people - please be aware of that before going in.

Thanks and enjoy!

It's easy to get lost in the thick forest and I soon find a spot not too far from the castle, but far enough that I feel confident I won't be disturbed.

I spend a few minutes familiarising myself with the normal noises of the forest, I've never slept rough and it's certainly a new experience. The pitch blackness of the forest consumes me and I feel a shiver run down my spine at the thought of no one knowing where I am.

I fumble around with the basket and manage to find the cold bottle of milk before having a quick drink making a mental note to find a patch of the river Arun in the morning to get some water.

I cover myself with the thick fur cloak I bought with me and settle down to try and get some sleep using a nearby log as a headrest.

My mind wanders to Gracie and Alec and how things were left when I found myself here. Am I missing back home? How much time has passed for them? Will I ever find my way back?

I drive myself crazy thinking about home and how much I wish I could just wake up from this awful dream and be back home, in my bed and in my own time.

Even seeing the idiot Alec at this point would be a small price to pay to be home and away from all this, and the strange pull that Maxwell seems to have over me.

I must have exhausted myself thinking about it all because I wake up some time later shivering, the cold ground has seeped into my very core and something doesn't feel quite right; an odd sense of uneasiness settles in my stomach and I sit very still listening to the dark, trying to figure out exactly what it is.

The darkness is overwhelming and I can't see more than my hands in front of my face; my other senses go into overdrive attempting to make sense of my surroundings.

A muffled scream pierces the air and I stand abruptly trying to get my bearings.

I spot distant flames of light shining like beacons from the castle's windows in the distance and it gives me a brief sense of relief to see something so familiar.

More noises and loud shouting come from ahead and I think seriously about turning and heading in the opposite direction, but what if someone needs my help?

I can't in good conscience do that.

I muster whatever courage I have left and tip toe toward the noise with a rising sense of dread enveloping me.

I approach a group of people that seem to be gathered around a fire and crouch behind the nearest bush to hide myself.

"No! Get off of her you monster! I'll kill you!" shouts an older man looking at something that's out of my line of vision, I risk peering around and my heart stops at the sight before me.

Two men are crouched over a young woman clearly trying to rape her whilst she struggles to get away; a young boy and what I'm assuming are the girl's mother are huddled on the ground nearby crying inconsolably.

The man is struggling against some kind of binding tied around his wrists and shouting abuse; one of the men holding her down stops and struts over to him arrogantly, punching him and pushing him face down into the dirt.

"Your daughter is ours now old man. Don't worry we'll have her screaming for more soon enough" he laughs and reaches into his pocket for a small knife, holding it to his face. "Now you better quieten down or I might have to have a word with your lovely wife over there."

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