Chapter 4

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We enter the Great hall in the midst of a huge feast – there are people chattering, dancing and milling around everywhere as the maids bring huge platters of mouthwatering food and jugs of drinks. The smell of aromatic roasted meat fills the air and I sigh in pleasure. My shock at my sudden surroundings roots me to the spot as I take everything in. It's exactly how I always imagined it would be.

My stomach grumbles and I rub my tummy realising that I'm starving. I'm afraid to make a move into the hall for fear of being noticed as an imposter by anyone but Florence nudges me towards the food and I gratefully take her lead. I approach one of the tables laden with meat and pick a small amount of what looks like venison up and tuck in. God its good... the juices run down my chin as I hastily stuff more of it into my mouth.

"Tasty is it?".... I freeze. I swiftly wipe my chin with my sleeve in an effort to appear less like a pig and swallow the lump of meat in my mouth, nearly choking on it. I turn slowly and smile hesitantly at the man looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Excuse me" I mutter. My cheeks are burning from embarrassment at being caught stuffing my face. He sniggers and digs a napkin out of his pocket before passing it to me. "Not at all, I was just admiring you – you clearly have a healthy appetite."

"Yes I'm afraid that I haven't eaten in some hours". It's a feeble attempt to claw back some respect from this stranger, but an attempt none the less. Now that I'm looking at him clearly I can see that he's quite handsome; broad shoulders, dark curly hair and eyes that sparkle in the firelight.

"May I have the pleasure of your name, My Lady?"

"Cassandra" I hate using my full name – only my family call me Cassandra but I have a feeling that Cassie will go down like a lead balloon with these people.

"What a beautiful name, Cassandra" it rolls off his tongue in a way that if I didn't know any better I'd think he was flirting with me.

"Thank you, and your name Sir?"

"Alexander Ward my lady, Captain of the guard. I fought in battle with the master of this Castle, Sir Fitzalan."

"Oh, Of course," I say acting as if I know who he is, there's a brief pause in the conversation and I desperately try to think of something to say to him. Thankfully he takes care of that problem for me.

"So how do you know Maxwell?" he asks,

"I don't..." I stutter...oh crap! Think of something to say, come on think! "I'm visiting with family nearby and they received the invitation to attend, so I accompanied them."

"Would you like me to introduce you? You are a guest of his hospitality after all" and he smiles kindly.

"Oh no that won't be necessa..."

But before I can finish he has my hand in the crook of his arm and is leading me to the head table. My heart beat goes through the roof; my adrenalin is kicking in and I'm trying desperately to think of a way out of this. How am I going to be able to lie my way through a conversation with the Earl and his snooty guests staring at me? We're nearly there and the people at the top table are coming into focus, I scan along their heads and my jaw drops in absolute shock. Oh God, it's him – it Maxwell from the portrait! Only this man is so much more than the painting led me to believe, it really doesn't do him justice – he is simply stunning. His shoulders are broad and muscly; his tunic clings to his body in a way that makes my insides go all quivery. He's fashioning a good amount of stubble and I imagine it tickling my neck – woah! Where did that come from? Keep your head about you Cassie! Don't screw this up.

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