Chapter 31 - Max POV

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"How is she?" Alex asks softly. I can tell he's apprehensive of my mood.

"She's awake and well, brother" I smile at him, my relief shining through and he claps me on the back as I gesture for him to follow me to the end of the hallway where Cassie won't be disturbed.

He follows silently and I turn to him, shooting a quick glance at the bedroom door.
From here I can clearly see the hallway and anyone approaching, I'm not taking any chances with Cassie's safety now.

"Does she know?" he asks me quietly distracting me and I hesitate.

"She knows that Alice was responsible" I say calmly, trying to assuage my guilty conscience.

He looks at me appraisingly, seeing straight through my defenses in a second and sighs in defeat.

"You didn't tell her, did you?"

"I couldn't Alex. She's been through too much. Now is not the time for that"

"Max. She will know soon enough, you need to prepare her for what's coming."

"I know that..." I sigh and rub my hand over my chin, trying to erase the exhaustion and anxiety away. My mind races with when and how I should tell her. I know I should have said something when she woke but somehow it just felt wrong adding to her worries.

"I'll tell her when she wakes from her rest." And he nods his acceptance and encouragement.

"She will be alright Max. She's strong enough."

I nod my agreement, tense from the worry. He notices and lays his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.
"Look, the King is playing a game with you. After your proposed marriage with Alice fell through and then the whole Wales fiasco he's trying to save face. This summons to court will be brief and you and Cassie will be on your way home before you know it. Your attendance alone will show your continued loyalty to the King and he will see for himself why you fell for Cassie above Alice."

"It's not the king I worry about. I can handle's her. I want to make her pay"

"I know brother, but Alice will be there as a guest of the King whether you like it or not. You'll both have to see her and speak with her in front of him. You're going to have to keep your temper in control. You know that were powerless to touch her when she's in the Kings presence or inside the palace."

I look at him, the anger rising inside me. I'm going to have to be civil to the woman that tried to kill my wife.

I feel sick at the thought of Cassie being forced to be in the same city as her let alone the same room with the King in attendance.
All eyes will be on us and who knows what Alice will have planned when we see her.

I can't leave Cassie alone at all whilst were there and with that I mind I make a swift and easy decision.

"Alex I want you and Florence to accompany us. That way at least one of us can be with Cassie at all times. I wouldn't trust anyone else if I'm called away from her on business with the King."

"Of Course. I will watch Alice's movements at all times and report back to you."

"Good." I pause in thought as the weight of our conversation hangs around my neck like a noose.
The last thing I was expecting was to receive yet another summons from the king, ordering Cassie and I to London within the month.

His letter mentioned that Alice would be in attendance but didn't specify why. No doubt she has fed him her usual bollocks about being the victim in all this and he's trying to build bridges for the good of his alliances with Spain.

He truly is a blind fool.

What is she even doing in London? She should have been on the first boat back to Spain after our last conversation. I'd made it abundantly clear that if she even so much as thought about Cassie again I would find her and end her myself.

The thought of seeing Alice again makes me feel sick. I'm sure that my urge to kill her will not lessen when I see her and with that thought my anger promptly returns, making me clench my fists in anger.

"Relax Max. We have time, we'll protect her. We're not expected in London for another month yet and we can handle Alice."

"She has spies at court Alex; it's going to be dangerous for all of us but especially Cassie. You know that. Now she has the king believing her lies. I thought Alice would heed my warning. But really it was only really a matter of time before something like this happened,."

"Exactly and we'll be prepared. You know the court and the King. This is your arena can outsmart her."

I nod and turn away, making my way back to my room. I feel like I need to see Cassie again, to reassure myself she's still here and still whole.

I hear Alex make his way down the passageway and away from me as I stand outside the door, breathing deeply.

My fears for Cassie rising in my mind like a torrent, threatening to drown out my voice of reason.

I open the door and pad inside softly, coming to a halt just beside the bed.
Our bed.

I admire her for a long time. The way her fair hair is fanned out on the pillow in waves like the ocean; the way her neck is long and graceful and her breathing soft and even in sleep.

Her hand rests on her stomach and I kneel beside the bed, not wanting to disturb her but finding myself unable to fight the urge to hold her in some way.

I take her hand as she sleeps and make her the desperate promise that I know I'll always keep.

"I vow before god to protect you and place your safety and wellbeing above all others. I swear I will keep you safe from Alice and all others who mean you harm. I will gladly lay my life down unto the hands of god in exchange for yours. I will spend my life in the pursuit of your happiness and safety. I love you more than life beautiful Cassie."



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