Chapter 18

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"Cassie hold still" moans Florence as she sticks me with another needle making me feel like an overdressed pin cushion.

I'm surrounded by a gaggle of giggling chamber maids all admiring my wedding dress and offering tips for how it should look once the fitting's complete.

I feel uncomfortable with all the attention and its making me quite fidgety, causing Florence to tut and move my body back into the necessary position to complete her work.

"Just a few more pins Cassie" she remarks seeing my discomfort and trying to ease my nerves, this is all becoming very real.

"I wouldn't bother making the dress too sturdy Florence, I'm sure his lordship will be ripping it open with his teeth before long" says one of the girls and bursts out laughing before getting elbowed in the stomach by her companion at my shocked reaction.

"She's just teasing Cassie" says Florence robotically; she's working away at breakneck speed to make this as quick and as painless as possible for me.

"There, finished" she says sitting back on her feet sighing and admiring her handiwork.

"Now let's get this off so I can finish the seams tonight. I don't have long"

Max had announced our engagement nearly a week ago in front of a packed hall of servants and guests, before instructing the maids to have my wedding dress ready for me within 7 days.
It didn't matter that I wasn't ready for this; when I'd asked him what the rush was he'd informed me rather stubbornly that he fully intended to be my husband before the week was through and I would finally be safe.

Florence helps me shuffle out of the dress being careful not to rip any needles from their carefully placed positions.

"It's going to be a push but I'll work on it through the night. I promise you it will be ready for the morning" she says to me with a wide smile.

I look at her not wanting to talk freely in front of the other girls; she senses this and dismisses them, flapping at them like she's swatting flies.

The room empties quickly and were left alone as I stare helplessly at her, wanting her to reassure me that I'm doing the right thing.

She comes to my side and gently ushers me onto the bed, sitting next to me and grasping my hand within hers. The contact is a match to the kindling wood that is my already tattered emotions and they engulf me as I sob, clutching her to me.

"Cassie whatever's the matter?" she asks, her words laced with concern.

"Florence, tell me I'm doing the right thing. I'm so mixed up about everything and this is all happening so fast."

"Don't worry, this is all natural pre wedding jitters. My sister was exactly the same the night before her wedding. You would have thought it was an arranged marriage the way she was carrying on" and she chuckles at the memory.

I sniff wiping my tears on my sleeve; she has no idea how close to my situation that description is. If I had things my way I would of course have waited a year or two so that I could get to know Max properly, but here in this time I don't have that luxury. I have to protect myself, and the only way for me to do that is to marry him.

"You mustn't worry yourself Cassie, everything is as it should be" she says rubbing my back.

I pull back to look at her, she seems so confident and for a moment I allow myself to believe her words, my breathing calming and returning to normal.

"How do you know that?" I ask desperate for an answer that explains all of this craziness. She sits quite still, wiping away my tears and considering her reply for a moment.

The Accidental Countess (Forever His Series Book one)Where stories live. Discover now