•Chapter 3: Apology•

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Clementine's POV:
I leaned against the car and stare at the cold plain ground and thought about what Gabe said.

My sister is dead BECAUSE OF YOU!!

I could hear his voice over and over again. And as I squeez my eyes shut, I see all the people that I've lost... All the people that died— because of me.


Everybody that I love—that I care about. They come into my life then leave me broken. And now, this? I just can't anymore. I have more problems to deal with right now. Like for the fact that I have to find AJ— that has to come first.

My thoughts got interrupted by someone holding a candy bar roght infront of me. I looked at the candy bar then at the person who was holding it— it was Gabe.

I sighed and rolled my eyes and got up and stormed off.
"Clem! I'm sorry." He shouted as he followed me to wherever I was going.
"Hey, just because you gave me a candy bar means that its all okay." I said stopping on my tracks and looking at him.
"Well... candy bars always make things better right?" He said.
"Not everything." I said rolling my eyes and start walking again.
"Well, what do you want me to do?" Gabe shouted as he walked after me.

I didn't answer his pathetic question, instead she kept walking to the gates and walked outside.

Suddenly, a strong grip was felt on my arm making me twirl around and look at the person who pulled me back. I looked to see who it was and it was the same person I was mad at.

"What do You want from me Clem?" He asked as he stared straight into my eyes.
"For you to leave me alone. Now let go of me!" I said as I kept struggling.
"Clem..." Gabe said as I stopped squirming and I looked at him.
"Tell me what to do." He said. I didn't answer him. I just looked at his eyes and that made him sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry I was an asshole. I never should've said that to you." He said.
"Oh, you don't need to say sorry for being an asshole— its in your blood." I spat as I pulled my arm off of his grip.
"Hey! I said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to do?" He asked.
"Try harder." I said as I walked away.

Gabriel's POV:
"Try harder" She said as she started walking away. I didn't take my eyes off of her, I was thinking about how I could make it up to her.

"God fucking damn it Gabe. You ruined it." I said to myself as I face palmed.

Good job.

Double update! Cause why not? 😂😂😂🔫


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