•Chapter 23: Hesitate•

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After the argument, Clementine decided to stay in Kate's room just so that she could get her mind off of things... Especially when it comes to David.

Clementine thoughts were interrupted by someone enetering the room. She looked over her shoulder and saw her bestfriend, Gabe.
"Hey," Gabe said with a sly smile.
"Hi." Clementine replied as she turned her back on her friend once again. She felt Gabe sit down next to her and she looked over to him to notice that he was looking at her.
"I know you're not okay, Clem." Gabe said as Clementine let out a sigh.
"I never said that I was okay..." Clementine muttered. Gabe couldn't handle seeing his friend like this so he wrapped his skinny arms around Clementine, giving jer the comfort she needed. Clementine sobbed on his shoulder as Gabe rubbed her back.
"I told you, I'll always be here for you." Gabe whispered in her ear.
"Thank you." Clementine replied.

Clementine and Gabe sneaked out of the building to go to the house that Gabe was talking about when he saw Aj.

"We're almost there, Clem." Gabe said as he looked at Clementine who was just following hin from behind.

A couple of blocks later, they finally reached this so-called house.

Gabe went up the porched and reach for the doorknob but even before they could come inside, somebody called them.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" A female voice called, catching the two teens' attentions.

"We were just looking for something." Clementine told Ava.
"Something? Or someone?" Ava said as she crossed her arms and raise a brow.

"S-something! Its definitely a thing." Gabe butted in making Ava roll her eyes.
"I know your looking for the kid. He's not there Clementine." Ava said.
"What?" Clementine said with wide eyes. Ava sighed and looked at Clementine then Gabe.
"The moment David knew you were here, he took Aj somewhere safe--"
"Where is he?"
"I don't know. All I know is, he isn't there. But he's still probably here at Richmond. You should ask Doctor Lingard about him. Maybe he knows." Ava said as Clementine looked at Gabe then back at her.
"Yeah, Sure... Thanks." Clementine said as Ava nodded and walked away.

"Got any idea where Doctor Lingard is?" Clementine asked as Gabe nodded.
"Come on." Gabe said as he lead the way to the infirmary where Doctor Lingard is.

Gabe and Clementine raced to the halls until they reached the infirmary only to find Doctor Lingard fast asleep.

"He's sleeping?" Gabe asked as Clementine rolled her eyes and searched through the cabinets.
"What are you doing?" Gabe asked.
"I'm just looking for something..." Clementine said.
"What is it?"
"Just keep your eye out for people would you?" Clementine bursted out making Gabriel shut up.

After a few moments of searching, they finally heard Doctor Lingard's soft moans- a sign that he was awake. Clementine got up and walked over to him and crossed her arms. Lingard slowly opened his eyes and saw Clementine by his side.
"Clem... What are you doing here?" He asked sounding a bit off.
"Ava said you knew where Aj was... Do you?" Clementine aaked in a deep voice.
"Yeah, I do... But I ain't tellin' ya." He said aa he hung his head down.
"Just tell me where he is!" Clementine said- catching Lingard's attention.
"I wasn't finished... I ain't tellin' ya.. Until you end this for me." He said as he hand over a syringe to Clementine.
"You'd tell ne where Aj is if I kill you?" Clementine asked with a hint of hesitation in her voice.
"Yes." The doctor said simply with red bloodshot eyes.
"Clementine is this really necessary?" Gabe asked.
"This is literally the only way to find out where Aj is... This is my only chance Gabe." Clementine pointed out.
"He's the only Doctor around here Clementine--"
"We have Eleanor--"
"Eleanor's obviously not staying here, Clementine..." Gabe said as he stared into Clementine's eyes. Clementine shut up as he looked back at Doctor Lingard who was impatiently waiting for Clementine to end it.

"If my dad finds out about this--"
"You wouldn't tell right?" Clementine said as he looked into Gabriel's eyes with hope.
"I-I won't." He said with hesitation.
"Then I'm doing this." Clementine said as he finally injeted the drug into Lingard's veins.
"Where is he?" Clementine asked.
"He's at the McCaroll Ranch, a few miles west of here." Lingard stated before he slowly dozed off.

Clementine smiled to Gabriel and Gabriel just looked down.
"We better kill him before he turns." Gabe said with a low tone in his voice. Clementine didn't say anything. She just draw her knife out and pushed it into Lingard's temple.
"Let's get the hell out of here before somebody sees us." Clementine said while Gabe nodded and the two bolted out of the infirmary and into the previous room the others were staying in.

Shit chapter... I know and I'm sorry :(((

Sorry if there are grammar errors or whatevs. Didn't proof read it so there. 😂😝


Dark Past (Gabentine fanfiction) #Wattys2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن