•Chapter 26: Maybe•

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Clementine's POV:
After what Kate told me earlier, I couldn't help but think about my feelings... MY feelings towards Gabe and his feelings towards mine...

Does he like me?
Does he feel the same towards me?
Am I good enough for him?
What if I break his innocence?

What if I lose him too?

Thoughts ran through my head as I kept looking down and walking-- not having a clue where I'm heading. I just let my feet lead me somewhere I don't even know.

I stopped on my tracks and looked up to see where I was and I realized that I was on a rooftop with Gabe, Javi, Kate, David and Tripp. I don't know how I got here, but the last thing I remember was following Kate.

I looked over to Gabe who was obviously looking at his father and uncle who were currently discussing about a plan.

Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like I wanna run into his arms for no reason? I shouldn't even be thinking about him! I should be thinking about Aj! Yet he blocks my thoughts all the time.

I don't know if he noticed it but he actually makes me happy... And no, its not because I think me and him are the only teens in the apocalypse, but because he brings out a side of me that's been stored in the deepest part of me. He brings out what I used to be-- a sweet, innocent and jolly girl. He brings out the real me.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out my name. So I pulled myself back to reality and looked forward to see Kate gesturing for me to come with them; seeming that I was being left behind cause the others are starting to walk over to different rooftops.

I started to move and walk with her. It seemed like she noticed something odd about me so she asked me about it.
"Hey, Clem are you okay? Something bothering you?" Kate asked.
"No its nothing." I replied as I focused my vision to wherever we're going.

Gabe's POV
I stared at Clementine as she walked with Kate. Damn, if only she knew how much I like her... I mean, she should know by now, I've been throwing signs like everywhere but I guess she didn't notice that. I think she really just sees me as her friend and nothing else. I couldn't blame her... Who would like someone like me? I'm weak, I'm useless, I'm a bipolar piece of shit and she's a strong, indepent girl I look up to.

I don't see any chance for her to like me... I bet she won't even care if I die... I bet she won't even feel a thing...

I wonder if I do die? I mean, I could never know right? Who knows, maybe I could die right now while I'm about to swing across with this helicopter wing. Maybe I'll die later by getting bit by a walker, i don't know.

But all I know is, as long as I'm alive and breathing, I'll make sure that Clementine is okay. I don't care if I die saving her, I just need her to be safe.

3rd person POV
The group finally made it to a water tower where they discussed about a plan to get the generators working. Javi was the one to do it while the rest of them look out for Javi.

Kate was worried the whole time while David was readying his gun to shoot a walker who would get too close to his brother. And as for the two teens, they kept exchanging glances but never spoke a word to each other.

It seemed like they wanted to talk to each other but don't want to at the same time.

Want because they just really need to hear each others voice. Don't because they're both afraid that they might say something stupid but hey, what's wrong with saying something stupid right? Oh yeah, everything.

After they heard the generators working, they all went down the water tower and sneaked over to the garage where Javi was.

Kate started talking about how to save Richmond while David has something in mind.

And out of nowhere, David bursts out about leaving Richmond. Kate disagreed and debated with him for it but she never convinced David to change his mind.

It was all about arguing about Richmond til they got to the point where Kate kissed Javi and made Javi tell his brother about their relationship.

David got furious about this and started throwing punches at his brother. Javi on the other hand, didn't fight his brother. Instead, he told him that he loved him but David just kept rejecting him.

Gabe tried to pry off his father away from his uncle but that only got him in trouble by getting hit in the face with a wrench.

Clementine was the first one to come to his aid and look at his now bleeding forehead.

"God, you're stupid Gabe." Clementine whispered to Gabe as he looked at his uncle at father.
"Somebody had to stop them." Gabe replied then Clementine took her gun out and shot David at his shoulder.

David looked at Clementine with shock in his eyes then Clementine shot a walker that was getting near David.

This attracted more walkers so they all tried to get in the garage--- or so they thought all of them would get in the garage.

Javi looked back and saw David close the garage door.

"What the fuck does he think he's doing?" Javi said as he tried to open the garage door and as he did, he saw the car driving away.

"David took him!" Clementine said.

"We can't wait any longer, we gave to go help Richmond---"

"But Gabe--"

"Gabe wanted to go! He did, we all heard it." Kate pointed out putting Clem down in disbelief but that still doesn't stop her from going after her friend.

"You're-- You're right..." Clementine said, her voice fading.

"But still, I'm gonna go after him. Javi, you should help Kate." Clementine added.

"But what about you?" Javi asked.

"I can take care of myself." Clementine pointed out.

Javi sighed before looking at Kate and Clementine and finally, he answered;

"Okay, please get Gabriel back to safety and please be careful." Javi said.

"I won't let you down..." Clementine trailed off as she got on the motorcyle.

"And I won't let Gabe down either." She finished before driving off-- leaving the couple behind.

While she was driving, she couldn't help but think of Gabe--- her friend, bestfriend rather... The reason why she felt like a child again, one of the reasons why she's smiling and wants to live. She couldn't imagine what she'll do next if she ever loses Gabe. She never felt something like this to another person... She was never like this when they got separated but why now? Why is she feeling like this now? She was gonna leave him if she ever finds Aj anyways but now... She just don't wanna lose Gabe.

She lost so many people in the past...

The people she cared about...

The people she loved...

They all died...

And she doesn't wanna lose Gabe too...
He was her last hope... Her last light (next to Aj)... And her last chance to ever feel love again...

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