•Chapter 13: Hope•

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Gabe's POV:
Its been 5 days... 5 days... 5 fucking days and I'm still here looking for her. I'm tired and I haven't slept in days. I mean, I tried to but... I couldn't. Why? Because Clementine's voice was haunting me at night and sometimes, I even see her. Fuck, I'm going crazy aren't I?

I sighed as I got up and started walking around the woods. Javi did the same thing as we started killing the muertos that we're trapped in the barbed wire that we set before we slept.

Once they were all dead, Me and Javi put themaway and started walking... again.
"Don't you wanna stop to eat?" Javi said as I kept silent.
"Hey." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder making me stop on my tracks.
"You have to eat." He said.
"I'm fine, really." I said.
"I said I'm fine." I said sternly as I kept walking. I heard him sigh and he just cuaght up with me.

Not so long later, the silence broke as we heard somebody talking so me and Javi acted quick and we started to climb up a tree and we looked down to see who it was.

"Maybe we can talk to them?" A woman said.
"Talk to them? Tara, I told you how dangerous they are. They could kill us!" The man with an eyepatch said.
"But what if they don't?" "Tara" said.
"They will. And as far as I'm concerned, we'll kill the little girl first. She's a threat to us." The man with an eyepatch said again.
"How do you know that?" Tara asked.
"I've been spying on her. She killed one of our group and I think that's just enough to prove that she is the most dangerous person inside that prison next to Rick and Daryl Ofcourse." He said.

Tara just sighed and shook her head.
"Whatever Philip. I'm not doing this." She said as she walked away. "Philip" walked after her and me and Javi waited for them to be gone completely. And as soon as we were clear, we climbed down the tree and we looked at each other.

"Who the hell was that?" Javi asked.
"I don't know... and I don't care." I said as I walked to the opposite direction that Philip and Tara went to.

"Gabe, aren't you a bit tired?" Javi asked making me stop on my tracks.
"No." I said plainly.
"But how are you attached to her? I mean, you've only known her for 2 or 3 days..." Javi said as I shrugged.
"I don't know... its just— I remember back when I was a kid... there was this girl who used to help me in school. She always tells me that everything would be okay and the bullies would just go away.... but I don't fucking know. I'm--- just-- attached to her somehow you know? She's a part of me." I explained.
"Maybe its because she's the only girl who's around your age in this apocalypse that you've met." He said.
"We met Lizzie when I was 11 right?" (Just go with it please 😂) I asked.
"Yeah, and you were all over her." He said.
"No I wasn't... as  a matter of fact, I was trying to get away from her. If Mariana was here, she'd tell you." I said.
"Fine, fine." Javi said.
"Lets just keep moving." I said as I continued walking.

3 hours later...
Its been three hours and my feet fucking hurt so I decided to sit down and drink some water. I passed the bottle to Javi as soon as I was done and I relaxed for a minute.
"You ain't giving up huh?" Javi asked.
"Nope." I said simply and he smiled.
"I admire you Gabe." Javi said making me smile.
"Thank you." I said.
"You're very different from your father." He added as I sighed and looked down.
"Yeah... I wanted to be like you." I said as I looked up at him.
"Me?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"Somebody who knows how to handle pain... how to handle all the struggles, someone you can count on. You. I wanna be like you. And eventhough I'm fucking scared of the muertos, I kept my fears inside because I wanted to be brave... like you." I said and he smiled.

We've been searching for hours now and we've decided to head back to Richmond but I promised to myself that I'll come out looking for her again. I just wanted Javi to get home because I know that he won't go home until I come back with him. 

Me and Javi started walking along the dusty roads to Richmond while killing some muertos along the way. Silence filled the air but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a relaxing one like those you have when you just want some peace and quiet.

The gates of Richmond opened as we were greeted by my dad. My dad looks at me and then at Javi.
"Where were you guys?" He asked.
"Same reason." Javi said.
"Wow. Your friend must be really important to you." Dad said.
"Yeah, especially to Gabe." Javi said.
"Really now?" My dad asked while smirking. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head as I looked at the both of them.
"I don't have time for this." I said as I walked away.

After I ate and rested for a bit, I finally came out ofthe house but while I was walking down the streets, I felt something odd about the house that I passed by so I walked in the house and there I saw a toddler about 3 or 4 years old. He was drawing something. I smiled and walked over to him and patted his head.

"Hey little one. Who are you? Where are your parents?" I asked as he just looked at me.
"Not much of a talker, are you?" I asked as he just went back to whatever he was doing. I looked over at his drawing and he pointed his finger at the drawing as if he was asking me who it was.
"You want me to guess it?" I asked as he just nodded.
"Okay umm... is it a dog?" I asked as he grinned and shook his head.
"Is it... your sister?" I asked as he smiled widely and nodded.
"Wow... she must've been a good person. Is she here?" I asked as he just ignored me and drew some more.
"Okay goofball. I'll head out now." I said as I got up but even before I could head out, my dad went in and saw me.

"Hey Gabe... I see you've met AJ." My dad said.
"Is this yours?" I asked.
"What? No..." He said.
"Then who is he with? Where are his parents?" I asked.
"Look, he was with a girl who was very very destructive so I had to take him away from her... for his own sake. I kicked the girl out of The New Frontier for her own sake and mine." He said.
"What was the girl's name?" I asked. He sighed before thinking and looked at me.
"Clementine." He said as I kept a straight face but on the inside, I was shocked as hell... well actually, I was triggered.

"Do you know where she is now?" I asked.
"No, and I don't care where she is. The important thing is, AJ is safe with me." He said.
"You can't just take him away from her! This kid may mean a lot to her and you just took him without her permission? How could you---"
"How could I what? Keep this little boy safe? I took him because I know that he's safer with me that he is with her." He said.
"You couldn't protect Mariana... you couldn't protect Kate or Grandma or Grandpa... so why should I believe that you could protect this kid?" I asked.
"I can protect you--"
"No you can't... why? Because that's Javi's job and you can't just that away from him." I said as I looked back at AJ then at him.
"When I get back, I'm taking him with me and me and my new group will get the hell out of this goddamn place." I said as I pushed him aside and walked out of the house.

I sneaked out of the community without Javi knowing. I wanna find her on my own now... well, technically, I'm not cause I know that as soon as Javi knows that I'm not in the community, he's gonna get out here and look for me.

I walked around the forest, still feeling the numbness of my legs. I sighed as I kept walking and looking around, I heard a snap of a twig behind me so I turned around and squinted my eyes to wherever the noise came from. I grabbed my gun from my holster as I walked throughout the forest. I held my gun up as I made a turn.

My eyes widened and my lips slowly turned into a smile as a tear drop on my cheek.


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