•Chapter 32: Smile•

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Gabe's POV:
After having lunch with Lizzie, we decided to hang out at the play ground where we both sat on the swingset, her feet dangling from the height and mine laying flat on the ground.

"So going back to the topic, how did you get here? How did you find this place and who are you with?" I asked while looking at her and noticed that she was look at the ground.

"I ran away from people. They told me I was crazy for making friends with walkers and I overheard them talking about how they're going to kill me." She replied with a soft voice.

"Huh, you still believe that muertos are still alive inside?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I think they're still in there you know? Trapped and just waiting for someone to accept them, their new form. And if anyone can't do it, I will. They're people too. They still are." She replied seriously while her blue eyes were gazing at my brown eyes. Then I interrupted the awkward stare by clearing my throat and looking away but as I looked away, she gently placed her palm on my left cheek and turned my attention back at her.

"W-What?" I asked, cursing at myself for stuttering.

"Your eyes always looked beautiful to me you know?" She said calmly, "I'm always drawn to them for some reason."

We just stood there, in the middle of the playground, her hand tightly gripped on my wrist and my eyes locked with her green eyes. I tried looking away but everytime I do, it's like I wanted to look at them again.

"U-uh..." I cleared my throat "Thanks..." I said and gently pulled my wrist away from her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her grin and her small di ples instantly showed up.

"Well, how about we walk around a bit. You know, show me around and all that since I'm going to stay here for awhile." She said and with that said, I agreed and continued our conversation as we walked around the community.

Clementine's POV:
My eyes widened in shock, and obviously he held the same expression as I did. His ocean blue eyes staring back at my brown ones. Then slowly, the realization of us meeting again came over us and his lips slightly turned into a small smile, a normal smile then a grin, showing his perfect teeth to me.

"Hi." He said

"Hey..." I replied still in awe.

"U-ummm.. have you ea—"

He was cut off by me suddenly lunging towards him and wrapping my small arms around his body. I felt so nice and I don't even know why. It just feels so good to see him again and it's not even that long.

"I missed you too." He replied then I slowly pulled away.

"Where did you even came from, Carl?" I asked.

"From my mom?" He replied jokingly making me roll my eyes in absolute annoyance.

"Oh yeah, me too." I fired back then punched him at his arm which caught him off guard.

"Ow! Easy with these noodle arms." Carl said making me smile just a little bit more.

Short update :) sorry ya'll. I still lov u :')

Dark Past (Gabentine fanfiction) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now