•Chapter 21: Story of my life•

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3rd person's POV
Gabe noticed that Clementine was zoning out so he had to stop pushing her and called out to her, hoping maybe she would notice him. But she didn't.

"Clementine... Clem, hey." Gabe called out but it seemed like Clementine was deaf. Gabe stopped pushing her and went infront of her. Gabe crouched down infront of Clementine, catching her attention.

Her eyes were set on him as Gabe's eyes were on Clementine as well.
"You okay? You kind of zoned out." Gabe said. Clementine looked down and before replying. She then looked at Gabe again and faked a smile.
"Yes. I'm fine Gabe." She said.
"God, you're terrible at faking a smile." Gabe said as Clementine looked down again.
"What's on your mind, Clem?" Gabe asked. Clementine sighed and shook her head from left to right.
"Nothing, really." Clementine said.
"Clementine... You and I are friends you know that right? So please open up to me." Gabe said as Clementine looked at him. She sighed and nod and replied;
"Sure... But, I don't wanna talk about it here." Clementine said as Gabe nodded.
"Well--" He said as he stood up.
"I know just the place." He added as he stretched out his hand for Clem to grab on. Clementine hesitated before taking Gabriel's hand.

Their fingers interlocked as Clementine just looked down at them.
"Clem." Gabe called out, catching her attention.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"Yes Gabe... Ofcourse." She said as Gabe nodded.

They started walking north— hand in hand without even caring what other people would say about them.

The two walked out of Richmond and walked up to a hill, without letting go of each other's hand.

They finally made it to the top. Clementine found the view beautiful and amazing. Relaxing her for a bit. Gabe finally let go of Clementine's hand as he let her enjoy the view. Clementine walked to the end of the hill and sat down. Gabe followed and sat down next to her.
"Do you like it here?" Gabe asked while looking at Clementine who's a little bit distracted by the view.
"Yes. It just makes me not think about whatever is going on in this fucked up world." Clementine said, still admiring the view.

Gabe smiled and enjoyed the view with Clem and for a brief moment, there was silence. Not an awkward one, but the peaceful kind of silence.

Clementine closed her eyes and sighed, catching Gabe's attention.
"You alright?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Clementine replied.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Gabe asked.
"About what?" Clementine asked.
"Your past... I feel like you wanna talm about it." Gabe said.
"Well..." Clementine trailed off.
"It does feel nice to finally talk to someone about it." She added.
"So, let it out." Gabe said as Clementine nodded.

She sighed and looked around.
"Where do I start?" She said.
"From the beginning." Gabe said as Clementine looked at Gabe.

"Well... Before all this crap started, I was with at home doing whatever nine year olds do... I was drawing stuff while my sitter cooks lunch. It was an almost perfect day until someone started banging on the door. I was about to open it but my babysitter told me to stay put and she's get the door... She did and she opened the door to a stranger... He said he needed help. It seemed like it cause his arm was litteraly bleeding... As an innocent nine year old, I freaked out and went outside and up my treehouse. I didn't know what happened next but the next thing I know was I heard my babysitter scream like bloody hell. I got so scared that I even trembled the first night I slept. But then the next morning, I decided to go down my treehouse. I looked through our window and saw blood everywhere... Our windows and door were barricaded. I was about to come inside... And I'm glad I didn't. Cause I just saw my babysitter... She was one of them— one of the monsters. I got so scared that I ran away outside— up the fences and into the forest. Then I saw this car... It seemed like it crashed the day before that day. So I looked closely and saw this man yelling at the crawling walker-- A crawler..." She stopped to giggle and Gabe chuckled as well.
"Anyways... He killed it and saw me... Again, I was scared and I ran back to my treehouse. And in my treehouse, there was a hammer. I looked out my small window and saw that man went up the fence and peeked through the window... He then walked in and probably explore our house. I figured out a way to catch his attention and I got my walkie talkie to do that. He heard me and found the other walkie talkie and I revealed my hiding spot... He seemed nice- he even waved up to me. So, there. But even before I thought tgat every thing was going right, I saw my babysitter-- ehem, walker-sitter come up behind him and I warned him about it. He fought that thing and the first thing to come up to my mind was to go down and help him... I did, and he killed my babysitter instantly. Eversince that I've been with him and we walked the dusty roads of the world." Clementine explained.
"What was his name?" Gabe asked.
"His name was Lee... Lee Everett... He's the one who taught me how to survive– he's the reason why I keep my hair short." Clementine said as she looked down and think of Lee.
"Where is he now? What happened to him?" He asked.

Clementine stayed silent as she tried to stop the tears from streaming down her face.
"Oh shit... Was that an asshole thing to ask? Shit, shit I'm sorry Clem." Gabe said.
"Actually... No. Its okay." Clem said as she smiled at Gabe.
"I was kidnapped... Well, sort of... I listened to this guy, he told me that he has my parents and being an innocent little me, I believed him. And he kidnapped me for it. Lee came to my aid eventually. I helped him "take care" of the man and we both walked out together... We had to cover ourselves with walker guts- able for us to pass the herd of walkers... Little did I know that that was the beginning of the end... We were walking with the herd until I saw my parents... They were one of them... And Lee, he passed out. The first thing that came in my mind was to drag him inside the jewelry store... I set him in the corner and I closed the door. I came back to check on him and I tried to wake him up... Hoping that he wasn't one of them... He woke up eventually, and he was looking really really pale... That's when he told me that he was bit..." Clementine said as she forced her tears back to her eyes. Gabe conforted her by rubbing her back.
"He told me to end it... He begged me not to let him turn into one of them... I did... I had to shoot Lee... And it was horrible... First my parents, and now Lee... He protected me even with his last--dying breath~" And with that... Clementine finally broke down... She cried not even making an effort to keep it in... She broke down infront of Gabe. And Gabe hugged her as Clementine did the same thing... She hugged him tightly— sobbing into his shoulder and Gabe- he was there to comfort Clementine...

Now he knew what Clementine has been through... Actually he doesn't even know half of the stuff that Clementine's been through. But as for Clementine, she was just glad that Gabe was there for her... He was there to confort her and eventhough she feels shit right now, she has someone to let it all out.

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