•Chapter 14: No worries•

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Clementine's POV:
I somehow managed to escape the pile of walkers that were surrounding me in a small room by getting inside a vent. Not the best way to escape but its all I've got.

Once I found my way out, I looked around and see if I can find Gabe and the others.

"Hello?" I called out. I just sighed and started walking around.

Where in the hell am I?

Thoughts ran through my head as I kept walking and killing walkers in my way. But as I kept walking, I couldn't help but notice that... I'm lost. But then again, why the hell should I worry? I was gonna ditch the group anyway... So I guess this would be the perfect time to get away from them... And I don't mean the walkers or the New Frontier.

As I kept walking, I saw what seemed like an abandoned cabin. I smirked at the thought of having a place to stay for the night. I immediately walked to the doors and knocked on them so that I can make sure that there weren't any walkers inside. I waited a little longer and the walkers— probably two— started banging on the door. I rolled my eyes and twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. I held my knife up and I grabbed one by its neck and pulled it behind me so it fell, face first, on the ground while I kick the other one on its knee and I stabbed its head. I went back to the other one and I grabbed it by its head and continuously banged its on head on the floor until it was dead. I took breaths as I wiped some blood off my cheek.

Once I finished dragging the two walkers outside, I immediately walked right inside the cabin. I looked around and smiled as I realized that this place was stuffed with food and medical supplies. There were blankets and pillows on the floor too. Okay, honestly I'm so damn lucky to find this cabin. I thought as I looked for a bag to get some food and medicine for me. Not so long later, I finally found one. It wasn't that small and it wasn't too big either. It was perfect. I began stuffing some food and some medical supplies.

As I finished, I finally put my bag near my so-called bed. I tried to make myself comfortable with my recent situation but for some reason, I started thinking about Gabe... usually its just AJ who's always in my head but, I honestly don't know why he popped up in my mind. I started worrying about him... If he did made it out alive. Or what happened to him when they got to Richmond.

Goddamit! I never should've left!

He could be hurt or worse!

He could be dead...

Wait a second...

Why are you thinking like this Clem? Who is he to you?... and who am I to him?

I just sighed and shook it all off as I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep.

My eyes snapped open as I heard somebody banging on the door. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag and jumped out the window and I sprinted through the woods.

(A/N: remember when Gabe found the abandoned cabin and he started kicking the door open? Welllllll.... ;) )

I started running. I don't really know where I'm heading, I just ran and ran until I reached an opening. I took a moment to catch my breath before I look up and see where I was... I was at the side of the road. Then I thought: "hmmm... there should be some working cars around here somewhere."

I finally started walking to the nearest car and looked for any walkers inside... luckily there wasn't... I smiled mentally and opened the door. Locked.


I sighed and backed away a bit before smashing the glass window. The car didn't alarm which was a good thing. I finally opened the door and tried to get the car working.

Then suddenly, it started working.

Clementine you are a fucking genius.

I shook my head, still smiling and started driving.

Good news and Bad news time... Good news is I managed to get some guns and bullets at the trunk... the bad news is the car ran out of fuel and I have no clue where the hell I am. Worse news is that I'm really far away from AJ... what the hell has gotten into me to get away from them? I should be with them right now... or maybe even with AJ.

I just shook all my thoughts aside as I kept walking through the woods... for like the millionth time. And all of a sudden...

Gunshots were heard... not from where I was standing... but nearby. So I rushed to where the noise came from. I hid behind a bush and searched for whatever was happening. Then I saw a prison... there were walkers surrounding the field but the main gate was covered from what I could see. There was a man with a leather jacket (A/N: Lets just get to the point... its the governor from the walking dead season 3... and for those of you who don't watch the show, he's not from the game... he's from the show... okay carry on :) )

I sighed and stood up but even before I could, someone tackled me to the ground then started throwing punches at me. I tried to push her off of me and I did successfully. I then reached for my gun and pointed it at her.

"Who the hell are you?" I said as I catched some air.

She just raised her hands in surrender and smirked.
"I just wanted the gun... okay no, I wanted all of your stuff." She said.
"You want my stuff?" I asked and she nodded.
"I just said that." She said.
"Well guess what?" I said and she just raised a brow.
"Its mine." I said as I shot her in the head.

I didn't even feel a damn thing. All that I could think of was getting the hell out of here before anyone else sees me.


"Don't do anything stupid of you want to live." A voice said.

Great... just what I needed.

"Now turn around, slowly." He said and I slowly turned around and I met up with a boy about my age probably a bit older. He was wearing a cowboy or a sheriff's hat and although I'm far away from him, I could tell that he has blue eyes.

"Name?" He asked.
"Clementine" I replied.
"Carl Grimes." He introduced.

Dark Past (Gabentine fanfiction) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now