2 - Finding Each Other

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After we left the toy section we were screaming so loud the guys could probably hear us from where they were.

"OH MY GOSH NASH JUST TALKED TO ME, WE HAD A CONVERSATION. IS THIS REAL LIFE?!" Kenzi screamed in my ear. I laughed and smiled remembering how Matt called me beautiful. "Hes literally the love of my life and he called me beautiful" you said. "I think Cameron likes you, he kept looing at you and he was smiling the whole time." Maya said

"No way, Cameron wouldnt like me, but whats true is that Shawn for sure likes you.. a lot." Gisel replied. I agreed with Gisel and Maya, Cameron kept on looking at Gisel and Shawn kept looking at Maya. They would look so cute together and they actually have a chance, unlike me. Matt would never like me. 

When we got home we made dinner and had chicken wraps with fruit smoothies, pretty healthy and really good. As I started loading the dishwasher Kenzi came running downstairs jumping up and down screaming something that I couldnt understand.

"THE GUYS ARE TRYING TO FIND US OH MY GOSH GUYS COME HERE" She screamed. I sprintd up the stairs into her room. I looked at the girls crowding around her laptop jumping around. I grabbed it and looked at the screen. They were on younow and they were talking about us.

"Guys can you help us find some people, you probably dont know any of them but we have been trying to find them since two o'clock this afternoon." Nash said. "They were really pretty and cute and we just want to get to know them, they are coming to magcon so hopefully we will see them there." Shawn said. They said goodbye and left younow.


I grabbed my camera and my purse and met everyone in Gisels car. Fifteen minutes later we were at the venue where they were having Magcon at. Tons of screaming teenagers and only a handful of older gilrs likes us. I felt out of place to be honest, there were so many other pretty girls, Matt could easily find someone else today and than my life would basically be over. "Hurry up Justine!" Maya and Gisel shouted. Kenzi was behind me taking this moment in. I grabbed her arm and we rushed towards the others. Security was letting everyone in now. They anounced their names and the guys came running in. 


Gisel and I were next in line to meet Cam and Matthew. Maya and Kenzi were on the other side meeting Shawn and Nash. My heart was beating and my hands were shaking. We were next. Gisel ran up to Cameron and she hugged him. I walked up to Matt and he smiled. He grabbed me and put his hands around me and hugged me tightly. "I didnt get your number yesterday can I have it today?" Matt whispered in my ear sending shivers throghout my whole body. I smiled and nodded my head. He gave me his phone and put my number in. He smiled and took my phone and put his number in. I looked over at Gisel and she was laughing really hard at a joke Cameron said. It probably wasnt that funny you thought and giggled. 

"What are you laughing at?" Matt asked and looked over at them with a smirk on his face. "Follow my lead." Matt said and grabbed a can of arizona under his table. He passed me his phone and told me to record the moment for vine, so I agreed. He slowly walked over towards Cameron opening the can really fast "CAMERON!" Matt screamed and he poured the tea all over him. Cameron stood there in defeat as Gisel and I were laughing like crazy. 

Later in the day Maya and Kenzi told you everything that happened with Shawn and Nash. Nash told Kenzi for us to meet them at in-n-out down the street in ten minutes. We agreed and drove over there. I was actually really nervous to hang out with the guys and so was everyone else. We did not want to be judged by how we act even though compared to the guys, we act pretty much the same. Loud and obnoxious.

The guys came in the door and sat down with us. Matt sat down beside me,on the other side was Maya, beside maya was Shawn. On the other side of the table, Nash was sitting beside Kenzi, beside Kenzi was Cameron and then Gisel. I felt really nervous for some reason and Matt could tell and he grabbed my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I looked up at him smiling and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So tell us about yourselves, do you live here or what?" Shawn asked.

Maya started talking "Well, Justine is my cousin and we are from Canada, Vancouver to be specific. We met these two through twitter, Kenzi and Gisel. We just started talking and we became best friends. Three years ago we decided, when we got old enough to own a house, that we were going to move down to California and live with each other. We are all eighteen except me because my birthday is in January. We bought a place down at Santa Monica and we live there now." Maya finished and we nodded our heads.

"Oh thats so really cool how you guys met a couple years ago and youre still best friends without even meating." Cameron said.

We left our table walking out. Matt was holding my hand and you looked down and blushed. He tilted my head back up and looked into my eyes and started to lean in. I know its pathetic but im eighteen and I still havent had my first kiss. Our lips met and he grabbed my back rubbing up and down softly. He pulled away and smiled. "I know its stupid but you were my first kiss." You said quietly and blushed. He smiled and kissed you again. "And im honored, theres nothing to be embarassed about beautiful."

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