4 - Tears, Smiles, Fans

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Gisel was in my arms and I was rubbing her back gently. "Your so beautiful Gisel." I said and I kissed her forehead. "You know I really like you too, and i was happy you were talking about me, I thought you liked another guy. I was going to ask you this later but i couldnt wait any longer. Gisel will you be my gilrfriend. And i know its only been three days since I first saw you and two days since i actually started talking to you but your perfect and I couldnt wait." I waited for her answer. She didnt say anything. I was scared she was going to say no. I was worried. 

"Of course Ill be your girlfriend Cameron. When i fisrt saw you like the real you infront of me instead of a computer screen I fell in love. Not like a fan type of crush but a real crush." She finished. I started to lean in and our lips met. It was amazing, she was such a great kisser.


I was hoping Nash would make a move. He was just sitting on my bed on his phone doing who knows what. I was getting frustrated so I got up quicly opened the door and slammed it hard and walked down stairs towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and noticed the tv was still on. There were people basically making out on the couch. I looked over the counter realizing it was Maya and Shawn. I smirked "OOOOH GET SOME" I shouted. "Oh shush" Shawn said. I laughed and refilled my glass. I put my hands against the counter and rested my head on them. I sighed really loud and I felt a hand rubbing my back. I turned around really fast and it was Nash.

"Whats wrong kenz?" He asked.

"Oh nothing." I sighed and looked down.

"Do you have feelings for me? Because i really like you Kenzi but i dont think you can take the hate. I can barely handle it. Ever since that stupid video with me and the guys about what we look for in girls, i have gotten hate 24/7 and its hard. I dont want you to go through it like I am." Nash said and I started to tear up. 

"Nash, I really like you and i know how much hate you get. I see it all the time. I understand that you dont want a relationship right now but if you can try and be open with me i would be happy. Instead of shutting me out and being on your phone." 

"Okay kenzi, im so sorry. I just never say how i feel. Im always listening to what others say." Nash started tearing up. I hugged him tightly and rubbed his back comforting him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I backed up a bit. "Lets go to sleep Nash, theres still another day of Magcon and i dont want your fans to worry" I said that and we got in my room. I fell asleep in his arms. Man i really hope we become something, i really love him.



Damn, finally Shawn made a move. Sleeping in his arms was so comfortable but I bet hes uncomfrtable because we are on the couch. I shook Shawn and he woke up. "Good morning beautiful, howd you sleep?" He asked and kissed my cheek starting to get up. I walked towards my room and took a shower as Shawn was taking a shower in the guest bedroom.


Justine is actually my secn]oned girlfriend ever. The last one didnt go so well. Hopefully I show her how much she means to me and that shes perfect. My last girlfriend was really insacure and i didnt know how to react around her. If i said one sentance she would find a way to twist it and make it become rude, as if I was insulting her. She was basically putting herself down.

After I finished taking a shower me and the guys left the girls and went back to the hotel so that we could get ready. When I got in my room that I shared with Carter and Shawn, Shawn came up to me and asked what me and Justine did last night. "We didnt have sex Shawn. But shes my girlfriend now. I asked her. I was really scared because we basically jut met so i didnt know if i should wait or just ask right then and there. My feelings were too strong so I askd her." I finished and looked at Shawn. " Cool man, i asked maya out and she said yes. I think Cameron asked Gisel too, but i dont know about Nash. He looked pretty sad when he was getting in the car. I wonder if everythings getting to him again." Shawn replied. I nodded my head.

A couple hours went by and our fans were lining up. I texted Justine. "Hey babe, you know how my fans dont  know im dating anyone. Are you okay if they kiss my cheek or is it uncomfortable with you?" I hit send and waited for a reply. "Umm, its fine Matt I guess. I dont want to take you away from them, go for it. :)" She replied and I knew she didnt want me to let them so I kept that in mind. "Okay, cant wait to see you Justine" I sent it and put my phone in my pocket.

When the fans came rolling in, Nash and I were in a group together for the fans to meet. Fans lined up and we met tons of people. A lot kissed my cheek, i was hesitant but i let them. Justine said it was okay so i took her word. A girl asked if she could kiss my lips. Of course i said no because management and Justine would get pissed. I really like her i cant screw anything up


The girls and I pulled up in the parking lot. Gisel texted Cameron to let us in through the back so the girls dont see us and judge us. When we got to the back, tons of fans were there waiting for the guys. I talked to Danny and he said he would let us in because Matt told Danny who we were. When we walked passed the gate, the guys fans were screaming at us. "Ew, who are they." "Those sluts shouldnt be talking to my babies, THEY ARE MINE" a girl screamed. I was taken back and I glarred at her. She was wearing basically a sports bra and short ass shorts. Her ass was hanging out and she called us sluts! Okay there. 

We kept walking towards the back and into the guys room where they hang out. Kenzi knocked on the door and Shawn answered. "Hey guys come in!" He said and we walked in. I walked towards Matt and hugged him. I rested my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head. "Hey beautiful. Whats up, you look sad." He asked rubbing my arm.

"Your guys' fans are just, well they say what they want. And they assume a lot of crap. I dont know how you guys can handle it. Its hard Matt, and i didnt realize it would be this hard to handle. They were calling us sluts and whores and we didnt do anything. I dont get it." I said and looked up at him.

"Aw, babe. Dont let them get to you. I deal with it everyday the first time was hard but then it wouldnt stop so I ignored it and put it behind me. Your beautiful Justine you arent any of those things. Your my princess, hold your head up, you I dont want your tiara to fall." He finished and kissed you softly.

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