17 - Tired

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I was at my house with Justine in my room. We were lying down on my small bed but we could fit. I was hugging her tightly. I wanted to comfort her because she was there for me. She needed someone and no one was there to help her. I was in a coma, how was it possible for me to help her. I was really depressed, i needed help. instead of getting help I was stupid enough to cut myself which caused the car crash. All that caused Justines pain. I was also in pain emotonally and physically. How am I suppose to do things with my leg. I can barely walk, im happy Justine is here to help me but im suppose to take care of her.

"Thank you for coming here and staying with me. Thank you for not giving up on me. I love you." I said and kissed her neck softly. She turned around so she was facing me.

"I love you too Matt, I will never give up on you." She said and smiled and snuggled her head in my shoulder.

I kissed her softly and hugged her tighter. "Youre my everything baby, I love you princess." I said and we fell asleep. It was only 3pm.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Justine. She was sleeping peacefully. I tried to get out of the bed so I could get some water. I put pressure on my leg and basically collapsed back on the bed. Justine woke up. She smiled and looked at my leg. She got up and held her hands up. I took her hands and she helped me walk to the kitchen. Even though I tower over her she could still hold me up. She made me stand near the counter so I wouldnt fall.

"So what did you need?" She asked yawning.

"Can you get me some water. The cups are right above you in the cupboard." I said smiling.

She grabbed a cup and went to the fridge and filled the cup up. She handed me the glass and leaned on the counter. "How are you feeling?" She asked me. "Good." I said looking down knowing she was wanting a better answer.

"No, Matt im talking about everything. Everything i missed. Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you dont because everything just happened but ill always be here for you and you know it." She said and hugged me comforting me as I started to feel tears running down my face.

"Well, it has been really hard. My brothers never visit me. Im always home alone. My dad is working. I have my dog but I havent talked to anyone. I havent even talked to Ryan or Bobby. I saw them at the funeral but I didnt go up to them. I was too scared. I was scared Cameron and them would judge me because i havent talked to them in 2 weeks. I didnt want to disturb them. I called you. I was stupid for calling cause I knew you were hurt but I wanted you to pick up. I was alone and scared and confused." I said she hugged me tighter and wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"I dont know why things had to be like this. Why was my life planned out like this. Why didnt my family tell me about what my mom was going through. I could of done something. If I knew I wouldnt of moved to California, I would of stayed home." I said and realized that I wouldnt of met Justine if i hadnt moved out west. She started to cry because those words hit her hard. I felt bad for her and I hugged her tighter. I hurt her again without even thinking. "Im so stupid, Im sorry. I mess up all the time why do you love me. Why do you stay with me." I asked her backing away from her grasp.

"Because you cared for me Matt, even when we never even met you always made me smile with all your tweets or your vines and your videos. You were my sunshine and you didnt even know me. Im going to stay with you forever. I will always care for you. I'll try to push you away sometimes, but thats how I act. I hate letting people in because I will just push them away in the end. Im just as scared and as insecure as you are. You just dont see it because I hide it. I love you Matt and everything about you." She said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Im sorry im always hurting you." I said starting to limp away using the counter for support.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She stepped up and kissed me sotfly while wrapping her hands around my neck. I placed my hands on her waist and pushed her up against the counter. I kissed her harder and slipped my tongue in her mouth. I roamed her mouth as her hands ran through my hair. I kissed her neck roughly. Her soft breaths turned me on as I sucked harder on her neck. I kissed my way up to her lips and bit her lip softly. I pulled away and smirked at her. She smiled and hugged me.

"I love you." I said.

*2 Days Later*

I still had my cast on my leg and it was starting I get annoying. Justine aw lays had I help me. We basically spent the day lying in the house, watching movies and cuddling. We decided it was time to leave Virginia and go back to California where she lives. I wanted to get away from this atmosphere.

My dad had gotten a higher paying job so I didn't have to worry about him. I was just worried that he was going to be alone all the time but my brothers said they would always call or go over to the house to see if everything was okay and there was nothing going on.

Justine and I walked on the plane and took our seats. She put her headphones in and laid her head on my shoulder hugging my arm as well. She fell asleep and I was really bored. I started to fall asleep too.

When I woke up we were still in the air. I was freezing and Justine was too because her skin was cold. I asked the attendant for a blanket and I wrapped it around us and fell back asleep.

We landed in Cali and Aaron was going to pick us up. Justine wanted to get Starbucks so she left me sitting on a bench. This girl walked passed me and smiled. She started walking towards me and her stares were uncomfortable.

"Hi I'm Elizabeth and you're super cute." She said and smiled.

"Thanks but sorry I have a girlfriend." I said annoyed.

"Oh, well you're still cute. Can I have your number?" She asked me. I was getting really annoyed. She couldn't take a hint that I wasn't interested.

"Sorry but no." I said as Justine was walking towards us.

"Who's this?" Justine asked. She was calm but I knew she was annoyed by this girls flirty stance.

"No one, let's go." I said and walked off with Justine. These crutches were really hard to walk in and it was a struggle.

"Who was that?" Justine asked me again.

"Her names Elizabeth, she asked for my number and I told her I had a girlfriend and I didn't give it to her." I said facing Justine. She looked kind if pissed off.

"Don't worry, your the only girl I need in my life. I love you babe." I said kissing her cheek.

Aaron drove us to Justine's house. That's basically my second home because the guys and I are always at the girls house. I love it there, the vibes nice.

Everyone asked me how I was doing. Cameron and Nash ran to me and gave me a huge hug when they saw me. They are like my family. They are so caring.

After we ate, Justine helped me up the stairs and we walked in her room. She took her clothes off and put a baggy shirt on. My eyes were on her the whole time. She was beautiful. She looked up at me and blushed. She walked in the bathroom and brushed her teeth. I took my clothes off and tried to put my shorts on. It was hard but I managed. I walked up to Justine and kissed her back softly.

We made our way to the bed and laid down. I hugged her tightly and she held my hands that were around her. I kissed her temple softly and she turned around.

"No matter what, I'll always be there for you." She said sympathetically looking into my eyes. I smiled and kissed her passionately and we fell asleep.

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