19 - Pain

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I was lying in bed, I could feel a headache coming. It was morning and everyone was downstairs I'm assuming except me. My head started to pulse and it was hurting really bad. I stood up to grab Advil and almost fell on the floor but I held on the wall for support. When I reached the bathroom I took a pill and sealed with water. I walked back to the bed and laid down covering my head with the blankets to shut out all the light. I felt really dizzy.

I always use to get migraines and headaches. Sometimes they were so bad that I would cry. I would throw up as well which hurt like hell because it wouldn't stop until there was nothing left I my stomach. I was praying that I wasn't going to throw up today because I hate it. The feeling is so gross and when there's nothing left in your stomach, the pain is tripled.

After fifteen minutes I still couldn't go to sleep because of the pulsing in my head. I haven't had anything to eat since last night so I was hoping I didn't puke.

Another ten minutes later my stomach started to rumble and it hurt. I could feel something work it's way up to my throat. I quickly ran to the washroom and sat over the toilet. Tears streamed my eyes as I was waiting for everything to come out and into the toilet. I felt it coming and I threw up.

Fifteen minutes later I think I was finished and I laid back down on the bed. My throat was burning because of the stomach acid that kept coming out. I hated throwing up. I bet my eyes were all puffy because I was crying. I also bet that I had little red freckles on my face from the pressure of my stomach so the blood rushes to my face causing the little red dots. This happens all the time. I rarely throw up but I guess today was the day.

I felt more coming so I rushed to the washroom and liquid kept coming out from my stomach - mouth - toilet. Could this get any worse.


I was walking into Gisels room and I quietly turned in to grab my phone because Justine was still sleeping. When I left her room I saw Justine run across the room and in, I'm assuming, the bathroom. She was holding her stomach while running. I looked inside her room a bit and saw her hunched over the toilet throwing up. I walked in her room and knocked on the bathroom door. She looked up at me and tears were running down her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked getting down on m knees. Why was she crying. Why was she throwing up. It hit me, maybe she's pregnant.

"Umm, Justine, I know this is none of my business but are you pregnant." I asked her. Her eyes nearly popped out and she shook her head. "NO, it's just migraines. I always get them and they get really bad that they make me throw up. And I hate throwing up that's why I'm crying. Also why I am crying is because there is absolutely nothing left in my stomach to come out so the avid hurts like hell." She said still crying. I rubbed her back and left her room.

I walked down the stairs and turned towards the couch and turned to Matt. "Get upstairs, help Justine." I said and he started to get up. I helped him walk towards her room and I left him with her.


After Cameron left the room I was still lying on the bathroom floor. I didn't want to get up and do lay down on the bed because I didn't want to run back. It hurt my head to move my body in anyway. I had a blanket around me and a pillow and started to close my eyes. I was shaking from the crying and the pain in my stomach. It has never gotten this bad, but one time it was close. It could be a fever because I was super cold. And hot at the same time. It hit me, I have heat stroke. The last time I got this was 6 years ago when I was twelve. It was one of the worst experiences in my life. I threw up for 5 hours running back and forth from my couch to the toilet it was hell.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I could feel more coming. I got out of the blankets and leaned over the toilet and started to throw up. I don't even know how I have this much stomach acid in my body. I have been throwing up for at least two hours and it kept going. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the wall with tears streaming down my face. I hated this, and my mom wasn't here to help me. It was horrible. I felt someone sit beside me. I didn't open my eyes because the light was hurting my head. They kissed my cheek and rubbed my back.

"What's going on?" Matthew asked, I could recognize his voice and smell. I leaned my head on his shoulder and started to cry. He grabbed me and placed me on his lap and hugged me tightly. I kept crying because of my head pains and stomach pains. "Seriously what's happening?!" He asked. I think he's assuming that we're having a baby. It looks like that but I'm not pregnant, it's heat stroke. "Okay I know it looks bad, like we are going to raise a child but no. I always get really bad migraines and stuff and today I was blessed with heat stroke or sun stroke. And I have been throwing up for two hours and in crying because it hurts so bad. I have nothing in my stomach to get thrown up so it's just burning my throat with stomach acid and it won't stop. I hate throwing up I always cry. I probably look like a baby, but it hurts so much." I said crying into his chest. He kissed my cheek again and rubbed my back.

"I'm here for you baby, I always will be. You should of called my name and I would of been up here." Matt said. I nodded and felt my stomach getting ready to throw up for the millionth time. I hunched over the toilet and threw up. Only a tiny bit came out. The worst part was coming, when there is nothing to come out anymore and you're just gagging over the toilet. It's going to hurt so much.

After another thirty minutes I had stopped throwing up. I laid in bed with closed eyes as Matt was lying beside me holding my hand. He's always there for me. "I love you matthew." I say and kiss his cheek. " I love you too babe." Matt says

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