31 - Fighting & Loosing Each Other

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I woke up in Matts arms on the floor. No one was around on the couches, I'm guessing they were all in the room sleeping peacefully and comfortably. While we were here, backs aching on the wood floor. They could of woken us up, oh well.

Matt woke up and stretched his arms, he say up and looked around rubbing his eyes. "Why are we on the ground?"

"I don't know, I fell asleep 10 mins into the movie." I replied

"Ugh my back hurts." He whined. "I know mine does too." I said and he stretched his back.

Matt sat back down and stretched his arms again but laid across my body. I pushed him off and he grabbed my forearms and pulled me down on to him.

He held me in his arms and caressed my wrist. There were scars on my wrists from before and I frowned. He saw me and held my hand tightly. "It's not just you, it's my fault babe" he whispered in my ear. I leaned my head down and looked at my wrist and his. I nodded and traced his scars with my finger.

"It's my fault for not being there, I should of asked you if anything was wrong. But you kept it inside and it got the best of you" I said and started to tear up. "Stop putting yourself down, you're better than that." He said and tilted my head so that I was looking up at him. "Okay?" He asked me. "I know, it's just hard Matt." I said and kissed his cheek.

There was nothing we had to do today, so I guess we were just going to go back to Maya's and hangout there. I asked Emily if she wanted to come with us but she refused. She was glued to her phone the whole time, wonder why.

When we go to Maya's moms house I ran to the couch and laid down. No one was home again I am guessing, so at least we could do what ever we wanted too. Maya and Gisel were getting ready, I questioned them because we weren't doing anything.


Gisel and Maya were getting ready to go downtown and shop. When Maya and Gisel were finished, Gisel wrote a note and left it on the kitchen counter, in hopes they would see it. They didn’t want to turn their phones on to text them because they didn’t want them to die when they were downtown. They dropped Shawn and Cameron off at the gym and drove towards downtown Vancouver.


I was watching tv with Nash, Justine and Matt; there was a commercial on showing maple syrup on sale at Walmart. I chuckled quietly and I spoke “Justine, is there any place around here where I can get fresh syrup, right from the tree?” “No Kenzi there isn’t. What a stupid question.” She spoke back. I twitched a bit, I was so annoyed by her sly comments, it was really getting old. I just rolled my eyes and scoffed loudly.

Justine looked towards me and she had a questioned look on her face. “What?” I said rudely. “What did I do?” She replied and shook her head. Nash looked at us and I know he could feel the tension in the room with how he was tapping his foot against the couch.

“You’re just so rude, like sorry… It’s not my fault, I didn’t know I just assumed that,” Nash cut me off “Exactly what I was thinking.” He said and looked towards Justine. “can you stop saying shit, its actually fucking annoying.” I shouted at her as I got up. “WHY DIDN’T THAT RAPIST TAKE YOU?” I was shocked I said this, right after I regretted my words. Her comments annoy me sometimes but not enough to make me mad. I shouldn’t of said anything. I My hand was covering my mouth and I started to breathe weirdly. I heard her gasp quietly.

We are best friends this isn’t how things are. I turned my head scared of Justine’s face she was expressing. I looked at her and she was shocked and she was tearing up. Obviously at what I said, I felt bad. “Im s..so..sorry, I didn’t mean it Justine trust me.” I said sympathetically. She got up and walked towards her phone and keys. She walked up stairs, I wonder what she was doing.

8 minutes passed and she walked past me. She had her suitcase and everything else. Matt sat up from the couch and tried to talk to her.


When I heard what Kenzi said, I was confused. She wouldn’t of meant what she said because they were so close. I looked at Nash and he was even shocked that Kenzi said that. I was going to go upstairs to see if Justine was okay, but I wanted her to cool off. She came down couple minutes later with her bags in her hand. I was confused. I ran towards her at the front door. She opened it and slammed it shut. She unlocked her car and threw her bags in the back.

“Justine stop!” I said and grabbed her waist. “Kenzi didn’t mean it babe.” I said trying to soothe her.

Her eyes were watery and she was breathing really fast. She was staring at me; she was definitely affected by Kenzi’s words. Justine was shaking slowly and she was still looking at me. I rubbed her back but she wasn’t moving. She was just starring, I looked at her and she finally blinked, tears came pouring out right after this.  I hugged her tightly rubbing her back.

“You know she didn’t mean it. You’re one of her best friends.” I said. “I know but it still hurt. It came out so fast and I couldn’t handle it. I just need space right now. I’m going home; Ill text you later.” She said and I nodded my head. I wiped her tears from her eyes and hugged her tightly. “Alright, I love you.” I kissed her softly and she got in her car and drove down the street.


I was crying in the bathroom upset with myself and what I said. I was so mad at myself because I didn’t mean what I had said at all. I’m not at all mean, of course Justine was shocked. I wonder how she’s doing.

For 2 hours I went on a run to clear my mind and it kind of helped. I texted Gisel and Maya a brief description of what happened and they haven’t replied yet. I actually don’t even know where they are. I kept texting them. I ran back to Mayas and got worried.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.


I sighed in relief and threw the note away. I texted Justine in hopes she would read it.

Hey Cashew, you probably don’t want to talk to me and you probably hate me. I didn’t at all mean what I had said and I hope you can forgive me. Im sooooooo sorry Cash :( 

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