24 - Hiding The Truth

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Emily called me to go over to the guys house so Matt and I drove over there. I kissed Matt telling him id see him after.

I walked in Taylor's room and she was sitting at his desk on her computer. I laughed and jumped on Taylor's bed. She threw her computer on the bed in front of me and tumblr was opened. Of course tumblr she's always on there. She sat down beside me. "What happened?" She asked me.

I sat there trying to find words to say. Nothing was coming out. I couldn't piece anything together. I knew what she wanted to hear because she was my best friend and she deserves to know. I was harmed and assaulted. I could feel a drop on my hand and I knew I was crying. Who wouldn't

Pictures fled my mind as I was remembering all the things he did too me. My makeup was covering my cheek because I didn't want anyone to judge. My bruises on my thighs were covered, thank god. Those hurt like hell and looked really bad.

I was snapped back into reality from Emily clearing her throat. I started,

"Well we were at the beach, Matt and I. He left to grab me water and this guy pushed me against the tree and...and............and he tried to rape me." I choked on my tears and I started to shake. I didn't want to talk about it but it's better to let it out.

"Matthew couldn't help me, his friends surrounded him and he couldn't do anything. HE WATCHED EVERYTHING AND HE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING," I coughed and continued

"Now he feels like the whole world is collapsing around him and there's nothing he can do about it. He broke down last night, he wouldn't stop saying it was his fault. He wouldn't stop blaming himself for all the pain that has happened to us. He wants to kill himself again. Do you know how much that kills me. I can't take it anymore." I continued and cried in her shoulder.

After I explained everything she decided for us to go to the mall. I thought it was a good idea and we walked downstairs. Matt was sitting on the couch and I kissed him softly and said we were going to shop.

He looked worried and grabbed my wrist softly. "Be careful, please promise me. I don't want to loose you." He said. "I will babe, I love you." I said and left. I got in her car and Made In The USA played through my phone through the speakers in the car.

When we got to the mall we both got frappes and walked around a little. We stopped at cheese cake factory and sat down and enjoyed our little lunch together. We talked about the past summers that we had spent together and all the fun we had when we were younger. 


My head was rested on my pillow and I was laying on my bed just looking at the ceiling. 

**** "HELP US PLEASE, HELP.....HELP." I screamed as loud as I could. No one could hear my screams or Justines cries. I was scared to death because she was going to get raped. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY. I watched the guy as he shoved his hands down her pants. Tears streamed her eyes as he was doing this. I was also crying, it was like getting tortured. I had to watch all thr things that dick did to her. I was just helplessly lying in the sand, getting kicked repeatedly and I grunted each kick.****

I opened my eyes and woke up. Everytime I close my eyes, I picture her getting hurt. Over and over again. Its tearing me apart.

I stood up and went to the washroom. I picked up the small, cold piece of metal that was on the counter. I ran it across my wrist a few times. Honestly, I was a mess and I dont think anything is going to help me get better. I dont want Justine to be dissapointed in me, I hate doing this but I have too. 

The blood rushed down my wrist and into the sink. I just watched it wash down the sink, it was pleasing. I washed the rest of the blood off my wrist and grabbed a bandage roll. I wrapped it around my wrist tightly so that I wouldnt have to repeat last time.

A couple hours later I changed into a sweater and jeans. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed cookies. I sat down at the breakfast bar counter thing and scrolled through my phone. 


Emily and I drove home and we walked in the guys' house. Matt was sitting in the kitchen on his phone. I wrapped my arms around him from the back and rested my chin on his shoulder. I kissed his neck softly and he put his phone down and stood up facing me. He grabbed my hand and we went up to his room.

He pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionatly. I kissed him back of course and he picked me up and put me down on his bed. He grabbed his laptop and chucked it on the bed. We watched Tangled, of course, and he wrapped his arms around my body. When the movie was finished he started kissing me. We started to make out and I grabbed his hand. My other hand grabbed his wrist.

"Shit." He gruntted and moved his arm away slightly. I kept kissing him and grabbed the same wrist again and he pulled away and he moved his arms. I grabbed his hand and looked down at his arm. I started to roll his sweater up but he stopped me. "Babe lets continue please." He said to me. I was worried and kept rolling his sleeve up.

My eyes started to get all watery and they fell on his hand. Cuts all over his wrists. I thought he was done with that, I thought that was the last time and only time he would ever think of doing something like that. I pushed his hand away and turned away from him sitting on the edge of the bed and cried in my hands softly. Why would he. He promised me.

"Why?" I whispered. He moved closer and tried to put his hands around my waist. I moved away even further getting off the bed. "Why Matthew?" I raised my voice. "You dont understand, I had to Justine, it was the only way. I cant take it anymore." He cried while looking at me. 

I started to get up, I needed to leave this house. I slammed the door shut and heard Matt call after me. I kept walked. As I was almost at the end of the hall, Matthew grabbed my waist and held me tightly turning me around. "I had too." He whispered. 

My mind clicked and I started to get angry. I know I shouldnt get mad at him, but there was nothing I could do. I started to hit his chest so he could let me go. I tried to get our of his grasp but he kept holding me. I kept hitting his chest over and over again. I screamed and cried for him to let me go. He watched me hit him as tears fell down from his eyes as well. He was broken. Torn to shreds and I was breaking. 

Its all too much to handle and I need to let it out. I guess this was the way. I was still hitting him. "Please let me leave." I cried hiting him slower. "Stop, babe please." He cried holding me tighter than I thought he could. "Please.......Matt, please." I said and I stopped hitting him and I cried in his chest as he held me tightly. "Please." I said and closed my eyes. "Its going to be okay." He said unsure of his words. "No its not and you know it." I replied. I was still crying on his chest as he held my waist rubbing my back. Matt was crying still and I could feel his tears drop on my shoulders.

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