12 - Phone Call, Goodbye?

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I woke up wrapped in Matts arms. Last night was amazing and he was so sweet. I kissed him softly so he would wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled down at me. "Morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" He asked. "Great actually. I love you Matthew." I said and smiled. I kissed him again as he pushed our unclothed bodies together. I leaned my head on his chest. "Let's get up" He said.

After we took showers I started to change into Matts hoodie again and some leggings. I was still really sore and tired. We walked downstairs and headed towards the kitchen. Everyone was sitting there eating breakfast. "Good morning everyone. What did you guys do yesterday?" I asked and they replied. "What did you two do when we were gone." Nash asked. "We played soccer and made cookies. Nothing really." Matt replied. He turned his head and smirked at me. He grabbed my hand and smiled. "What's that look?" Shawn asked. "What else did you guys do?" Gisel asked. "Huh? ....oh nothing that's all we did." I said and his my face in Matts chest.

Matt and I decided to go to Walmart to get stuff for his house. We took his car and we headed to Walmart. When we got there we didn't really know what to get so we just went to the candy aisle. We lined up to pay and we left. Instead of going to my house we went to his. He hasn't seen the other guys and he felt as if he was avoiding them. At least Emily was there so I could hang out with her. When we got inside we went to his room and I laid on his bed. He got on too off me and kissed me softly. "I love you Justine." Matt said and I kissed him softly. "I'm going to hang out with the guys, do you want to come or do you want to stay here?" He asked me "I'll stay here with Emily." I said and he smiled and got up off me. He changed his clothes and kissed me goodbye.

I walked downstairs and saw Emily eating. "How's it going?" I asked her and she said everything was good. We watched Disney movies for hours until the guys got back. When Matt got back we went to my house.

"THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE ARE BACK." I shouted. "Sure they are, the most annoying people in this house are back." Maya said and I glared at her. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I made myself another chicken wrap and started to eat. I was scrolling through my phone. Everyone was talking about flappy bird so I decided to download it. I started playing and for the longest time I couldn't pass through 1 pipe. 8 tries later I passed through 2 but died right away. Matt took my phone away and he started playing. "I'm going to throw your phone across the room, this is so frustrating." I laughed at him. "I know, I hate the game but I love it at the same time.

Later that night we all watched a movie. We were watching frozen. The guys didn't want to watch it but we did so they had to deal with it. Matts phone started buzzing. He smiled at me and got up and probably went upstairs. I continued watching until he was gone for 10 minutes. I walked upstairs and checked all the rooms until I hear little sniffles. When I walked in my room my heart dropped. Matt was crying.

"Babe are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked hugging him. "My dad called me and he said my mom was in a car accident. She's in emergency but he sounded like there was something else to it. I don't know what to do" he cried and rested his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back. "If you need to go back home you can. I understand babe." I said. I really didn't want him to leave because he made me really happy but he needed his family right now. He smiled at me and nodded his head. It tore me apart at how sad he was. I would feel the same way. Being away from home and you can't really do anything.

I grabbed my laptop and I bought his tickets to go back to Virginia. He was leaving early tomorrow morning. I drove him back to his house so he could pack. I told everyone else and they felt really bad.

6 AM

Matt was getting ready to leave. I asked Carter to come with me so I wasn't lonely. I knew I was going to cry when he left. But he needed his Dad. Matts Dad called him again last night telling him the full story. His mom has cancer. I cried as he told me, as if it couldn't get any worse.

Carter drove to the airport. We all walked to security where we couldn't pass anymore. "I'm going to miss you baby." He said hugging me. I started to cry and he rubbed my back. "Take as long as you need Matt, make sure you call me. I love you Matthew." I said and hugged him tighter. " I love you Justine, I'll see you soon. Thank you for caring for me." He said and smiled. He hugged Carter as well. He kissed me softly and started walking off. Tears streamed my face as I was watching him leave. Carter rubbed my back. "I know it sucks. It's okay he'll be back soon." He said and I hugged him. We walked back to his car and he dropped me off at home.

I told everyone the news and they felt really bad. No one should go through that. I went up to my room and laid down. Knock knock. Gisel came in and sat beside me. "Hey are you okay?" She asked me. I shook my head no and started to cry. She embraced me in a hug. "It's going to be hard without him Gisel." I said and cried even more. 

An hour later Matt texted me. "Babe please answer I need someone right now, I need you." Right after i read the text he called me. "Hello?" I answered. I could hear sniffles on the other end. He wasnt doing well. "Justine." He said while sobbing. "Hey, where are you, is everything okay?" I asked. "No.. nothings okay," He cried through the phone breaking my heart. He gave his phone to his dad. Matt couldnt even talk he was devastated. His dad told me about the accident and everything that was happening. Honestly my heart broke. I told him I was sorry. "You know Matts not doing too well. He can barely even walk. Hes been in the hospital ever since he got here right by her side. Im also really sad, but i have to hold up so Matts not alone. Im glad he has you Justine." He said and tears were rushing down my face. He gave the phone back to Matt. "Im sorry im making you involved with all my problems, im sorry Justine." He cried. "Shh Matthew, its okay. Ill always be here for you no matter what. Just call me when you need me." We said our goodbyes and laid in bed for another two hours just thinking about everything.

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