11 - I love you

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The guys were planning to go on dates with their girlfriends. I just wanted to have a lazy day with Justine. I was dead tired still. Justine was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone with Maya. I got up and went to the brush my teeth. I walked downstairs and Justine was still cooking. She was facing the stove and I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed from her back to her neck and turned her around so I could kiss her beautiful lips. I planted my lips on hers and she smiled in the kiss. She leaned her head on my shoulder "good morning baby." She said. She sounded so tired. "Really good actually. Sorry that I always wake up after you, I'm just exhausted." I said but got interrupted by an apple getting thrown at my back. "Hurry up love birds and give me my bacon. I'm starving" Gisel said. "How rude no please. " justine replied and I laughed.

We placed ourselves in the kitchen. Justine and I were eating on the counter and the rest on the bar stools in front of us. " So what is everyone up to today?" I asked "Gisel and I are going to drive around downtown." Cameron said. "Me and Maya are going to find a place that's quiet." Shawn said. "Kenzi and I are going to watch a movie and maybe go do something after. " nash said.

The guys left and it was just Justine and I. She wanted to make cookies so we went to the kitchen. As she was adding the flour some spilt on my shirt. I grabbed a bit in my hand and blew it at her. She grabbed more and put it in my hair. I ran up to her and shook my head so that all the flour covered her face. She laughed and I smiled. She was perfect and I love everything about her. An hour later the cookies were finished and we also finished cleaning up. We were bored at the house so we decided to go to a park and play soccer.


I was driving to the mall so I could get more shirts. I don't even know why but might as well there's nothing else to do. I grabbed a couple shirts and some button ups. Kenzi was going to help me choose. I came out wearing a random shirt and Kenzi shook her head. I went back in and tried more on, Kenzi actually only liked a couple, she liked me in button ups or plane shirts. I bought some and we left. After we ate I took her to a movie.

We drove around LA just to see what was happening and to enjoy each others company. I was caressing her hand the whole time and she smiled at me. "I love you Nash." She said and I smiled from ear to ear. "I love you too Kenzi"


After an hour of debating wether or not to go okay we decided we would. Justine use to play soccer a couple years ago. "Matt can I borrow a sweater." I grabbed my high school sweater and threw it too her. She put it on and she looked gorgeous. "You look hot in that babe." I said and smirked. I bragged her waist and kissed her softly. I moved her hair out of her face and smiled at her. The sun was starting to set and it was getting cold. We walked hand in hand a couple blocks down to a field. Good thing it had lights. Soccer wasn't really my sport, but at least I knew how to kick a ball because of football. She was too lazy to play 1 v 1 so we just took shots on the net. Her kicks are good. I was about to kick but she ran and kicked it before me. I ran after her and we tumbled on the ground. I helped her up and we walked home in the chilly LA night.


I wanted to take Gisel up to the hills to watch the sun set. I wanted to tell her how I feel and finally tell her that I love her. I drove up to the hills 10 mins later I found a perfect spot overlooking the city's skyline and the sunset. We got out of the car and I held her in my arms as we were just starring at the sky around us. "Gisel I have been waiting forever to say this and I wanted to make it special. I love you so much baby and i am so happy that I get to call you mine." I said and held her waist tighter caressing the small of her back with my thumbs as I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She kissed back and we both smiled in the kiss. "I love you so much Cameron." Gisel said and I smiled.


I took maya on a picnic date. We were sitting under a tree covered in lights. I had set everything up before this so I knew it would be perfect. We sat down on the blanket and I took out a box of pizza. We ate the pizza and we just laid down together looking at the stars above. I was holding Maya's hands are I kissed her cheek. "I love you Maya." I said and kissed her softly. She rolled on top of me and kissed me back deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sink. My hands travelled down her back and I rubbed little circles around her back. "I love you Shawn." She said and I smiled.


The guys weren't back yet and it was 11pm. Me and justine were lying in her bed watching the waves crash down at the beach through her huge window. I rolled to my side and faced her. I kissed her head and she hugged me.

"I'm so happy I have you Matt your amazing." I smiled at her words and kissed her lips. I looked down at what she was wearing. Just my shirt. "I love your shirt, my clothes look sexy on you." I said and smirked. "But you'd look better with nothing at at all." She hit me softly laughing. "No I'm serious babe" I said and moved my hands down her body. She was getting goose bumps at my touch. My hands were at the hem of my shirt she was wearing and I lifted it off her. Her body was beautiful. I took the rest of her clothes off and trailed my fingers down her body. She shifted her body "You're teasing me Matt stop." She cooed. She took my clothes off and threw them where hers were. "Are you sure that you're ready baby." I asked her making sure. She nodded and kissed me softly. I kissed her back leaving kisses down her neck and down to her stomach. I kissed my way back up and she smile in kiss. I got on top of her. "Ready?" I asked and she smiled.

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