26 - Off to Canada

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(Ps. I know Matthew is a year older than Shawn, I just didn't want Matt to turn 20. So I just made Shawn older by a year. Sorry if it bothers you, but it's just for writing purposes. Thanks I love you guys)

**And this is a filler, so that's why it's so short :) **



It was almost the first week of August; Shawn's and Justine's birthdays are about to come up soon. August 8th and August 13th, they are both turning 19.

Maya had an idea to go back home for their birthdays and Justine liked the idea. She was concerned with Shawn though, so she asked him if he wanted to be away from his family for his birthday. Surprisingly he agreed to come with everyone to Vancouver.

Everyone discussed the topic in the afternoon and everyone agreed. They were really excited to finally go to Canada and explore a new city. Justine and Maya knew exactly where to take everyone.

Maya and Justine asked Gisel and Kenzi where or what they wanted to do. They threw a lot of answers at us. "I want to go snowboarding with nash!" She said excitedly. "Kenzi, it's the middle of summer, there is no snow." Justine reassured her. "Umm, let's play hockey?!" She asked again. "Ew no, sorry Kenzi but that's not my thing." Justine laughed. "What about that bridge?" Kenzi asked her again. It's really far from where they wanted to hang out and it's near the mountains. "I don't think that's a good idea, we would be there all day." Maya said. "This is why I don't suggest things" kenzi laughed.

"I want to go to Tim Hortons!" Gisel exclaimed. Justine and Maya agreed with her. One thing decided that we want to do for sure. "How about this, we go on the Sky Train to downtown and go to Pacific Centre and walk around the streets so that you can just see what it's like in Vancouver. We can go to Tim Hortons and everything and anything else you guys want to do when we are down there." Justine suggested and everyone agreed.

The girls told the guys about everything and they were excited to finally go to Canada and spend time with everyone. Justine and Maya, later that day, called their parents to make sure it was okay and to tell them they were coming back for a little while. Their parents were excited to see them and all the friends they have made and the specific boys they talk about.

They were leaving in 2 days, early in the morning. They all started to pack. "SHOULD I BRING A WINTER JACKET?!" Kenzi shouted across the hall, seeing if anyone would answer. "NO, ITS SUMMER KENZI ITS NOT THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. Even though it's Canada it's warm." Maya shouted back at her and Justine's laugh quietly filled the halls.

They bought their tickets online and Gisel and Kenzi were really excited to go see where Justine and Maya grew up. They were all having a mini party in Kenzi's room, blasting music through her laptops speakers. They were dancing around and singing really loud to songs as they played.

In case you were wondering where the guys went, they just went back home so they could pack. They would be picking the girls up in a day and a bit to leave to Vancouver.

The next day, all everyone did was pack and search up the places they were going to go online. Gisel and Kenzi were most excited of course, but Justine and Maya were also excited to see their family and go back home for a bit.

The day they were off to Canada came faster than expected. The guys were knocking on the door to pick the girls up. All the girls rushed down stairs and outside. Justine checked the rooms to make sure everything was good and she turned all the lights off and locked the door.

They got to the airport and past security. They were waiting at their terminal, couple minutes later they were seated on the plane, ready to take off. The engines roared and they were off to Vancouver.

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