7 - Sick and Confused

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I woke up to someone coughing; I looked at the bed and Gisel was gone. I walked towards the coughs and saw that it was Gisel. "Hey, are you okay." I asked. She shook her head no. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and I hugged her tightly. "Whats hurting?" "I feel really cold but then im really warm, my head kills. I think I have a fever." She said and rested her head on my chest. I walked over to the bed and set her down. I walked back to the bathroom and grabbed advil and a glass of water. Gisel took and she rested her head against the pillow. I walked out of her room towards Justines. I opened the door, they were up, thank god i didnt want to wake them up. "Hey, Gisel isnt feeling well so im just going to stay here for the day. Is that okay?" I asked them. "Yeah, Shawn just told us he was staying here as well cause Maya has a fever. Is Gisel okay? Should I check on her?" Justine asked. "No, no its fine." I replied "Okay, We are probably going to the mall soon with Kenzi and Nash so ill leave a key if you need to go anywhere its on the kitchen table." She said and i went back to Gisels room and layed down beside her wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek softly rubbing her back also.


Justine said we were going to the mall so I grabbed a really baggy knit sweater and leggings. I put my vans on and Nash was wearing the same ones, I didnt realize that until I got downstairs. Justine walked down shortly wearing the SAME vans as Nash and I. Wow triple twinzies. Matt was left out which was kind of funny. We got in Justines car and she drove. When we got to the mall, Justine and I ran towards starbucks. I needed food asap. I just ordered a brownie and we left. Justine and I left the guys and we headed towards brandy. We wanted to get something for Maya and Gisel so we started looking through everything. I got them both a baggy cardigan and Justine got them a shirt. We walked back to starbucks, Justine got two giftcards for them to add on to their gift. We met back up with the guys and headed to target. "Hey we're going to where we all met." Nash said and I smiled at him and held his hand. 


Matt and I walked into target hand in hand, Kenzi and Nash stayed in the car. I was just getting more advil for the girls back home. I also wanted to get candy for them to cheer them up. I lined up nd paid for my stuff and we made our way back to the car. All I see was Kenzi on top of Nash. Matt saw and he had an idea. I followed him, the windows of my car were left open on both sides in the back so I got on one side and he got on the other. He counted down and we screamed really loud through the windows. Nash and Kenzi were screaming so loud, Matt and I fell on the floor laughing, that was priceless. "Next time wait until we get home, not in my car." I laughed and they rolled their eyes. Nash plugged in his phone and blasted music and I drove home. When we got there Gises car was gone. I wonder where they went. I opened the door and walked upstairs to Mayas room, no one was there. "HELLO?!" I screamed. No answers. 

I called Mayas phone, no answer. I called Camerons, no answer. Gisels, nope so the last person to call was Shawn. Thank god he answered. "Justine, Gisel had to go to the hospital. Her fever was 105, she was shaking so much and she passed out. So now we are waiting for the doctor to tell us whats wrong." He said. "WAIT WHAT? IS SHE OKAY?' I asked. He said she was fine, I told the others and we rushed to the hospital. Fifteen minutes later we got in and Kenzi asked where her room was. Floor seven, we got in the elevator and walked to the waiting room where we saw Maya, Shawn and Cameron. 

"So any news?" I asked. "Nope, but i searched on google and they said it is just a high fever. I think shes going to be fine guys." Cameron said. I was suprised he wasnt as worried as I am. The doctor came out and told us Gisel was going to be fine so we went home. Matt drove their car back to his house. Wow, im going to be bored the whole night. The rest of the guys were staying over at our place. When we got back Gisel went back to her room and she was just going to sleep for the rest of the night. I decided to go back in my room and scroll through twitter. The sun was setting so I sat infront of my window wall. I watched the waves and the boats sail until I couldnt see them anymore. I opened my laptop up and saw pictures of us at disneyland yesterday. I followed a couple people and then I got a dm. It was some random fan that followed me. She sent me a picture. I opened it up and I couldnt believe what I just saw. Matt was with Katie, (Sanford) and they were holding hands at the grove. I knew he didnt need to go home. I shut my computer turned off my phone and layed in my bed. 

Why would he like me, Im not pretty or perfect like Katie, of course he would cheat on me with her. Why would I even say yes, when I didnt even get to know him. I love him still. Does he still love me. Tears filled my eyes as I threw the red pillow across the room. I basically tore everything off my bed and switched everything. I cant handle it, my bed smelt like him and it needed to go. I locked my bedroom door and blasted Chris Brown and fell on my bed. I was still watching outside my window. I could see couples walking by holding hands and it pained me to keep watching so i turned around. I was staring at a blank wall. "JUSTINE GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS WE'RE EATING." Maya screamed and I turned my music up louder. Ten minutes later there was a knock at my door "Come on eat." Gisel said. I didnt answer. She tried to open my door but it was locked. She started banging on my door. I zoned out and just thought about everything. Why would he lie to me, why would he hurt me, what the hell. My tears were blurring my vision and i couldnt see anything, I turned around and looked up at the stars. The girls were calling me but i didnt care honestly I feel like shit. Matt though, why? I grabbed my computer, went on twitter, @TheMattEspinosa we're done. I sent the tweet and shut my computer off. Wow, I never thought it was this hard. 

An hour later obviously everyone saw my tweet and the girls were trying to get in and they were asking me questions. I went back on my computer and texted them that picture. I wasnt going to open my door until i felt like it. Maybe a day or two, a week. Who knows. Why would I care. I was heartbroken. I bet Matt 'doesnt even know' what he did. I was still crying. The girls got the picture and I could tell. Everyone left the house except Kenzi. She was knocking on my door. Ten minutes went by and I opened it up. It was getting annoying. As i let her in she hugged me tightly. "Kenzi.......why do i deserve this. He said he loved me." I sbbed in her arms. She was trying to calm me down. When she realized nothing was going to work she left my room. I layed on my bed still crying in my pillow. I guess im not his princess anymore.

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